Several concerns have come in regarding the use of the Adventist name and Logo on the Equality in Ministry (EiM) website. We agree that it seems unethical, seeking to place a badge of organizational legitimacy on outright defiance.
The website, largely filled with work of George Knight, freely compares the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists to the Catholic Church. An article on the site titled "Catholic or Adventist: The Ongoing Struggle Over Authority + 9.5 Theses" cites Mitch Tyner's twin accusations that the GC is "acting out of policy" in bringing redemptive discipline to the defiant Unions and Conferences, and---stepping towards "papalism and unrestricted kingly power" in the process.
George goes on to accuse the General Conference leadership (who have shown admirable restraint in the face of bold rebellion) of being manipulative, suppressive, divisive, and possessing a persecuting spirit.
Knight's monologue concludes with these words:
In closing, two historical recollections are important. First, Peter’s words in Acts 5:39: “We must obey God rather than men” (RSV). Second, Luther’s words at the Diet of Worms: “I cannot submit my faith either to the pope or to the councils, because it is clear as the day that they have frequently erred and contradicted each other. Unless therefore I am convinced by the testimony of Scripture . . . I cannot and I will not retract, for it is unsafe for a Christian to speak against his conscience. Here I stand, I can do no other; may God help me. Amen.”
In light of these accusatory charges leveled at GC leadership (and the World Church by extension), is it proper that a website dedicated to fomenting disunity would display the Seventh-day Adventist Logo on the site? Who would do this? Here's what we know about the Equality in Ministry website:
- Over the last 4-5 days several people expressed concerns about the EiM site's use of the SDA logo, and the organizational erosion that it heralds.
- Other individuals contacted the GC about the use of the SDA logo on the EiM website.
- The GC investigated, and responded that the EiM site was affiliated with an SDA entity listed in the Adventist Yearbook, which gives them the right to use the logo. So who is this SDA entity?
- Simple research reveals that the website and the websites share the exact same IP address (see supporting documents).
- " is the new home on the web for the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists" (taken from the home page of the website).
- PUC's Facebook page has links to the EiM website on September 22, and today. They also have three links to George's Knight's new book.
- Fulcrum7 reached out the PUC office, via a phone call and subsequent email. At the time of publishing, we have not heard back from PUC. We note these things not with any intent to condemn, but to pull the curtain aside on Union insurrections.
Supporting Documents
PUC's website website
Email response from the GC
PUC Facebook page
The real story here is that an NAD Union either launched, or is aligned, with a website that is attacking the General Conference. Is this what unity in diversity means? After weighing the evidence, you be the judge.
"My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth" (1 John 3:18).