Ron Kelly and Conrad Vine became well known for demonstrating leadership during the pandemic and the SDA church’s questionable response to it. Although they would not claim the title for themselves, each of these three men are modern day reformers,
Read morePastor Ron Kelly is Fired by the Michigan Conference
Ron Kelly has handled himself very well in the aftermath of the Michigan Conference’s vendetta against Conrad Vine. He sought to be transparent and to resolve the situation through the proper channels. Today he was fired.
Read moreMutually Exclusive
This state of affairs brings to mind Rodney King's post trial plea: "Can't we all get along?" The reality is that there are many things in this life that will always remain mutually exclusive.
Read moreHail King Trump !!
America has no kings because she is a self-efficacious society of hard-working, intelligent, freedom lovers, and for this we are grateful this Thanksgiving weekend.
Read moreSDA Spring Breakers Descend on El Salvador
“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Mat. 9:37-38).
Read moreSorry, Tattoos are Dumb
Ever met your teenage self and thought, wow, you had excellent judgment? No, you haven’t. Now imagine being 80 years old with a saggy Tasmanian Devil on your bicep.
Read moreDid We Miss Something?
There was another aspect to Conrad’s sermon that that seems to have been passed over. Freedom of conscience. Free will to choose. The bedrock, the foundation of the present truths that we hold most dear as a Church.
Read moreHas Rome Changed?
Rome’s most active and devoted followers do not think the papacy changed its doctrine on religious liberty at Vatican II
Read moreThe Song of Moses and the Lamb—a Current Message for God’s People
While Jesus gave self-sacrificially to His own hurt, Jeshurun is instead utterly obsessed with overdoing organizational self-maintenance, even to the point of a cost or to the hurt of others.
Read moreOne Way to Understand This Election
Mainstream churches, already sold out to the left, could join hands with an already left-wing papacy to enforce something like a day-of-rest-for-the-environment law.
Read moreMy Little Black Book
I knew returning to retrieve it would be futile. I felt even worse when I remembered all my per diem pay, in cash, was inside that book, and that my loss was caused by my own carelessness.
Read moreMillennials Are Prospering in Amish Country
It sits far from any interstates and lacks urban centers. Roughly half of its 44,000 residents are Amish, part of a Christian community that eschews varying degrees of modern technology.
Read moreWO Still Being Pushed At Andrews University
I found the comment to be incredibly inappropriate. It is time for us as a Church to come together around Biblical fidelity, not to continue to stoke division over issues brought into the church from the secular culture and sexual revolution.
Read moreWhy We Need Each Other
So, you might ask, how do we develop this kind of fellowship, where we can trust each other? It takes an investment of time and relationship building with the Holy Spirit involved at every step.
Read moreA Hole in the Ground And a Hole in The Heart
These words nailed this woman to the ground. If she was uncomfortable before, she was frozen solid now. Time stood still as her soul was laid wide open by the sword of truth.
Read moreThe Seventh-day Adventist Case for Trump
Should Seventh-day Adventists vote on Tuesday?
Read moreControversy Alert, My Personal Reflection on My Civic Duty of Voting
So here's my question: with the current social climate speeding towards perdition, should we stand aside and not say anything at all?
Read moreA Lot of Churches Are Requesting That The GC Drop The 2015 Jab Statement
During the last four years, the General Conference (GC) of the Seventh-Day Adventist church encouraged members to participate in government mandates.
Read moreWhy I Cannot, and Will Not, Leave the Seventh-day Adventist Church
And I feel as though I too have been receiving the question, though of course in my heart and mind rather than audibly, “Will ye also go away?” to which I answer, “Lord, how can I? Where could I go?”
Read more“Even unto the End of the World”
Oh, most wonderful and glorious Savior, please come very, very soon. We claim Your precious promise, “I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen” (Matthew 28:20).
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