The 198 churches voted by 66.7 percent or more to leave the denomination, either to become independent or join more conservative denominations where traditional Christian bans on same-sex marriage are not up for debate.
Read moreMethodist Denomination Splits Over Homosexuality, Liberals Form New Group
“There are no doctrinal litmus tests in the movement. We are moving beyond the supremacy of a single belief system,” said the ‘Rev’. Janet G. McKeithen, a member of the Liberation Connexion working group.
Read moreMethodist Church Proposes Historic Split Over Gay Marriage And LGBT Pastors
Ordained Lesbian Methodist pastors protesting for LGBTQ Ordination
In 2016, dozens of United Methodist clergy came out as lesbian, gay or bisexual defying the ban on "self-avowed practicing homosexuals" in ministry and essentially daring their supervisors to discipline them.
Read morePro-Gay Churches are Shrinking, Not Growing
The attempt to patronize to the LGBTQ community and compromise on God’s Word does not salvage churches, it savages them. It does not care for churches, it kills them. It does not prosper people, it impoverishes them.
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Liberal Methodist Leaders Plot Ways to Resist World Church Vote on LGBT Ordination
Last month, 300 United Methodist clergy and laymen gathered outside their denomination’s regional headquarters in Garner, N.C., to protest a recent vote that bans LGBT people from marriage and ordination.
Read moreIn a Historical Decision, United Methodists Confirm Biblical Sexuality
This is both a warning and an inspiring motivation for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, itself facing a cultural feminist onslaught from within the western sectors of the Church.
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