By an overwhelming majority, the Roanoke Church voted today to keep their May 5,6 invitation for Stephen Bohr come and speak.
Read moreMother and Son Seek to Become Transgender Father and Daughter
“As for My people, children are their oppressors, And women rule over them. O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err, And destroy the way of your paths” (Isaiah 3:12).
Read moreThat Verse About Not Being Able to Buy And Sell . . .
“Well, I like orange juice, I’ll just move to Florida. Plus there’s no moose there…” No, what is coming will lasso and hog-tie the whole world, friend. There is nowhere to hide in that hour, when mandates take away your house, your wallet, and separate you from your friends.
Read moreA Wild Boar In The Vineyard
Thank you for the fantastic sermon, Dr. Vine - God has raised you for such a time as this - all glory to His name!! May God continue to use you in a mighty way. Will be praying for you constantly. God bless you!!
Read moreBen Carson Says Vaccine Mandates Point To A Terrible Future
"This is a place where people came so that they could be free. And the whole concept of mandates, no matter how wonderful you think they are, are opening the door to something that could be pretty terrible in the future."
Read moreMrs. Pelosi Says LGBTQ+ Honors America's Fundamental Values
First, let us ask God to make us courageous enough to accept whatever persecution comes our way. It should never take us by surprise, since our Master promised us that we, like Him, will suffer in this world.
Read moreA Sermon by Baptist Pastor Danny Jones From Gainsville GA
But we do make exceptions for exceptional presentations. We believe this is one of them. Feel free to watch this 39-minute presentation, and comment on it.
Read moreDr. Ben Carson To Speak In Loma Linda at 3ABN Winter Campmeeting
Campus Hill SDA Church
3ABN has been hosting camp meetings for many years. The idea of a Christian "camp meeting" comes from an American Protestant tradition that began in the 1800s, and is preserved in various Christian circles even today.
Read moreIgniting Panic With "Climate Emergencies"
Their god is Homo Progressivus, born an ape and ascending to singularity synthesis via false religion. Their heaven is a social justice dystopia where skeptics are scorned on Twitter and visited with global inquisition.
Read moreAustralia Votes "Yes" For Same Sex Marriage in Landslide
At street parties across the country, gay and lesbian Australians cheered, danced and embraced as the results were announced
Read moreNumerologist Predicts That The World Will end On Sabbath
Remember the faith that God gave you in the Adventist Message. There is nothing else like it, cloaked in the twin garments of confidence and humility.
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