Black Lives Matter Activist Threatens Churches

Black Lives Matter has been on a rampage of destruction for the last three weeks, destroying priceless, irreplaceable public art. Naive people of good faith assumed that only confederate monuments would be targeted but (assuming they are even capable) the statue-topplers have made no such distinctions, toppling statutes of President Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves (I guess because he was a Republican), Ulysses Simpson Grant, who led the Union armies against the Confederacy in the civil war, and even defacing the Boston monument of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteers, an all black infantry regiment whose story was told in the movie “Glory.” The vandals have widened out of the 19th Century entirely, to destroy statues of Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and many others.

The anti-religious nature of this atheistic, Marxist revolution we are in the throes of is gradually becoming clearer. This past Sabbath, activists tore down a statute of the 18th century Franciscan friar Junipero Serra, which stood in at Father Serra Park in downtown Los Angeles, just south of Olvera Street. Serra had to go because he was the principal architect of the mission system during the era of Spanish colonization (which, one statute-toppler asserted, was the forerunner of today’s “mass incarceration”).

Today, Shaun King, an activist with Black Lives Matter, tweeted that all statues, iconography or stain glass windows that depict a “white, European Jesus” should be destroyed.

“All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down. They are a gross form white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down.”

So Black Lives Matter has signaled to its minions that it is open season on churches.

Which is not at all surprising, given that the real mission of Black Lives Matter is destroying Western Civilization to make way for the Leftist totalitarian utopia they plan to erect in its place. The two most important obstacles to Leftist utopianism are the family and Christianity. BLM has already stated that it is “committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.” Now, they are explicitly threatening the physical destruction of church buildings that feature non-mob-approved iconography.

Tucker Carlson notes Shaun King’s threat to destroy religious iconography.