Mississippi Town Rejects Gay Pride Parade

'Ello me lads!  Mouse here, scarcely able to contain my enthusiasm over the courage and good wits of Starkville, Mississippi.

The plucky chaps gave the cold shoulder to the local LGBTQ request to have a "Gay Pride" parade in their town.  It seems like I have read somewhere that pride isn't a good thing . . .

LGBTQ support group Starkville Pride planned the parade for March 24, but on Tuesday the Starkville Board of Aldermen voted 4-3 to deny the request. Sixteen people spoke in support of the event and two spoke against it, according to the Starkville Daily News

Resident Dorothy Isaac told The Associated Press she was against the parade because “God created Adam and Eve. Do not turn our city into a sin city,” Mrs. Isaac said. “It should not be this.”

Bailey McDaniel, an organizer with Starkville Pride, said she wished the city could have “been a part of this historic event for Starkville, but they’re not,”  the Daily News reported.

“All I can say is that this isn’t the last they will hear from us specifically about this issue,” she said.  Quite unsurprising.  Lawsuits are often the first resort of the fanatically frivolous. 

McDaniel told the publication she has plans to reach out to organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union, the Human Rights Campaign and the Southern Poverty Law Center to take “action against this.”

“There was no means to deny our application.  It was a perfectly fine application,” McDaniel added.  Numerous homosexual supporters were gutted about the decision, heartbroken that they can't flaunt their gay pride in Starkville.  To the Town Council, I say "Good show!"

It may have seemed perfectly fine for the LGBTQRWKSNXJUPSTARTSAD bounders, but it is not fine with the God of heaven who alone defines the parameters of right, wrong, and moral.

"The Lord will return in flaming fire, taking vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus" (1 Thessalonians 1:18).


