There Goes The Neighborhood (and Possibly, the Country).

'Ello me lads!  The Mouse `ere, full of righteous indignation over the stage 3 cancer of gender confusions in the American Heartland.  From the high-pitched effete of those who used to be men, to the burly unshaven scowls of deranged woman, enough is enough. 

The virtue-challenged LGBT agenda will stop at nothing to reach their goals---goals which by the way, include self-immolation, suicidal ideations and mass confusion over their own gender.  Here are two examples.

The GracePointe MegaChurch

A once-large Nashville-area Evangelical congregation that made headlines in 2015 after its pastor announced that the church would conduct same-sex marriages is selling its campus and relocating to rented space.  Can you say "They messed up?"  I can.  They did.

After his announcement of LGBT support in 2015, Pastor Stan Mitchell of GracePointe Church in Franklin, Tennessee was profiled in Time magazine.  Confused liberals were soooo excited.  But what was a much sought-after sign of Evangelical movement towards LGBT affirmation may have been wishful thinking.  

GracePointe had nearly 2,200 members in 2015, when the pastor came out (pardon the pun) in favor of "equality" (code for mass evanjellyfish gender confusion).  Two years later, their congregation is now---wait for it---a little over 200 people.  The public embrace of LGBTQI people and same-sex relationships by Mitchell and GracePointe Church in 2015 has led to a major decline in attendance and revenue.  So much so, they have to sell their building.  

The loss of most of their congregation has significantly damaged GracePointe’s financial stability.  But not to worry, lads, Gracepointe’s ministries and staff have scaled back.  The church now styles itself as “a progressive Christian community” complete with $20 T-shirts for sale declaring that “Love is a Human Right” in all capital letters.  The pastoral staff has been reduced to, well, the pastor.  In the meantime, LGBT advocates will continue their search for the elusive LGBT-affirming megachurch.  Where they won’t find it is at the former GracePointe campus in Franklin, Tennessee, now vacant.  They messed up, mates. 

Danica (Dan) Roem Elected as First Transgender State Legislator

"Danica" Roem (who looks suspiciously like Ted Danza with a bad wig) won Virginia’s 13th District House of Delegates seat, becoming the first openly transgender person elected and seated to a state legislature in the United States.  

Roem beat out the district’s 26-year incumbent, conservative values and government transparency champion Bob Marshall.  The race attracted national attention as Marshall, 73, a conservative who proposed a bill restricting which bathrooms transgender people could use, faced off against the transgender step"mother" who plays in a metal band.  Rock & Roll, dudes.

The district also found itself in the spotlight as one of a few Republican-governed areas that voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race.  Imagine that, chaps.  Benighted Americans voting for the American version of Emma Dent Coad.  But I digress.

In 2013, Dan Roem began his transition to life as a woman.  He changed his name and started hormone replacement therapy.  "It was great. I could just keep doing my job,” Roem said on his website.

"I just want to be accepted for who I am" said the reality-challenged Roem.  Andrews, Loma Linda, Adliberals, take note.  "Accepted for who I am" is codespeak for "Accept me for who I feel like today."  Reality-challenged tranny's may feel like a man yesterday, a woman today, and a plate of Bolivian Pizza tomorrow, but don't you DARE treat them any different.  It's bonkers!

We are either righteous or unrighteous, and rebelling against creation--while currently in vogue--is not sanctification, it is sinification.  YOU don't get to decide who you are (as far as creationial distinctions go).  You decide your character.  Trying to change your sexual identity, and demanding that people accept your strong delusions as normative mars your character and edits your soul.  And that brings us to the Judgment of God, where character is not a chameleon.

YOU don't get to decide the Judgment.  God does, and He judges all men righteously (Eccl 12:14; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Psalm 7:11) according to their works and their character (Romans 2:26; 1 Cor. 15:33).

God made you who you are, don't mess it up, lads (and ladies).


