The following is taken from the N.A.D. Facebook page on July 8, 2016.
On the North American Division Facebook Page.
"Washington DC area churches are organizing this event tomorrow, Saturday at 6:30 pm, local church congregations will come together to let our voices be heard! PLEASE wear RED.
The deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile at the hands of those sworn to protect us cannot, must not go unnoticed by our church community!
Pastors Dan Jackson and Alex Bryant from the North American Division, will be joining local churches and will be speaking.
If you are in the Washington, DC join us on Saturday, July 9, 2016 at 6:30 pm at the Lincoln Memorial. In solidarity, we will march to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial announcing that not another day will go by without our voices being heard regarding the senseless killings of our fathers, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters at the hands of law enforcement.
We're requesting that everyone wear RED symbolizing the innocent blood flowing in the streets."
[On July 8th the Facebook announcement was edited to include the tragedy in Dallas: "We also remember the 5 Dallas police officers killed Thursday night in the line of duty."]
There was a vigorous discussion on the North American Division Facebook page about this protest rally. Here's a sample of the comments:
"I just spent the day at at Oklahoma Campmeeting listening to Bradshaw preach Friday Night, Sabbath sermon, and evening sermon, I listened to a truly Christian Black young women lead out in Sabbath School. I saw both black and whites participating as on body of Christ. I heard Kings Herald sing (3 whites, one black) in such harmony I thought I was in Heaven then to come home and read such hate and bigotry from members it makes me sad. Bradshaw said it right on Friday... Quit blaming cops, blacks, president, the left, the right... but put the blame where the blame is due... The devil! He is the one who occupies the minds of these evil people... whether it be dirty cops or criminals... We are living in a time before Jesus is coming... Have any of you suffered more then Jesus? Have you? If you say you have you are lying.
Like Belinda says: we are living in perilous times... This is not a time to be bickering and fighting but to come together in one accord as did the. disciples did before the outpouring of the early rain. How can you expect to recirve (how can any of us including me for that matter) if we have bitterness and hate in our hearts. Did he not forgive the very ones who hung him on a cross. Did he not rebuke Peter for cutting a ear of of one of the soldiers. He will take care of those who are full of hate and wickedness if they do not change their ways...That goes for anyone who is on the church records... white, black, green, yellow, brown or yellow... We must allow Jesus to rule in our hearts and minds If we want to be with Jesus forever!
With that,I'm going to bed... May God give you peace. S. Eavenson"
- "Many of these comments are so disheartening, but thank you NAD for standing firm on this. It is so important that the church makes a powerful stand on issues of social justice, as Jesus called us to do" A. Hunter
- "North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists you are waaaay out of line for making the above statements and promoting this political rally. How dare you implicate our police officers and judge them based on the actions of a few? There are senseless acts of violence perpetrated against them every day. This rally is only spurring racial tensions and causing further divisions" A. Guy
- "Black Lives Matter" C. Johnson
- "As a police officer and also a 7th day adventist. I could not be more disappointed in my church. This clearly goes against what we believe as an adventist. We do not march because we want our voice to be heard on people being killed by law enforcement."
- "To be silent is, as is oft said, to be passively complicit. Thankful that our Church leaders here in the NAD are taking a stand publicly against this mindless violence against our African-American brothers and sisters" H. Camosa