The Vaccine Mandates and the Mark of the Beast, Final Part

We’ve been discussing an article in the Review about issues in Adventism, including the vaccine mandates.  In Part 2, we discussed the fact that nothing in the response to Covid was motivated by scientific, medical, or public health concerns.  In Part 3, I laid out what I believe the virus response was: a “proof of concept,” an opportunity to prove many different methods for consolidating power and wealth in the hands of the global elites. 

One of the concepts they wanted to prove was a vaccine passport which, when combined with a social credit system and a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), would give them almost total control over the population, and make Revelation 13:16-17 a real possibility.


The Mask Mandate Fraud

Here is the final issue that Janel Tasker’s friend “Carrie” encountered:

“During the height of the pandemic, a church where not one person was wearing a mask despite a government mandate to do so. These well-meaning advocates of personal freedom may have felt they’d gained a victory, but they lost an opportunity to minister to Carrie, who quietly left, not wanting to expose her family and her husband’s elderly patients to a bug she picked up at church.”

There was never any solid evidence that masks slowed the spread of the virus.

Another major study on that topic came out January 30th, a literature review by the Cochrane Library, entitled “Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses.” Physical interventions included, “social distancing, screening at entry ports, isolation, quarantine, physical distancing, personal protection, hand hygiene, face masks, glasses, and gargling.”  The conclusion was that hand-washing helps a little, but nothing else does:

We included 12 trials . . . comparing medical/surgical masks versus no masks to prevent the spread of viral respiratory illness (two trials with healthcare workers and 10 in the community). Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenza‐like illness (ILI)/COVID‐19 like illness compared to not wearing masks (risk ratio (RR) 0.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.84 to 1.09; 9 trials, 276,917 participants; moderate‐certainty evidence. Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory‐confirmed influenza/SARS‐CoV‐2 compared to not wearing masks (RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.42; 6 trials, 13,919 participants; moderate‐certainty evidence). Harms were rarely measured and poorly reported (very low‐certainty evidence).

The Hive media immediately issued stories saying that the results of this study had been “misinterpreted.”  The hive even leaned on the editor of the Cochrane Review to say that the results were misinterpreted, as the execrable Richelle Walensky, head of the CDC, noted in congressional testimony (106:55), while admitting that the Cochrane Review is the “gold standard” of scientific literature reviews.

But the results were not misinterpreted.  Masks don’t work. They are a waste of time, and not at all harmless. Evidence continues to mount that mask mandates were perhaps the worst public-health intervention in modern American history.

So why were masks mandated? It was yet another case of concept proving: The Hive was letting you know that it can force you to wear something on your face that has no public health value.  As with the vaccine, the important point was precisely that it had no epidemiological or medical value, and was known to have none, but they could force you anyway.  Concept proved.

In every aspect of the concept proving, the Hive has exhibited cruelty and sadism, no more so than in forcing children to wear masks.  It was clear early on that Covid posed no threat to children, and that children did not spread the virus to adults.  And it was known long before Covid that small children need to see faces and facial expressions while learning spoken language to develop into adults who communicate normally, and that masking children, and the adults they interact with, will harm and delay a child’s development. There’s a ton of literature on this topic, for those who claim to care about such things.  

But it did not matter to the Hive; they needed to demonstrate their power over us in many ways, and harming children is just fine with them.  That is why they are still promoting the vaccination of children when there is no upside whatsoever and very considerable risk. 

The message was clear: we matter, you do not; your life has no value, your children have no value, you have no freedom, you should not have any freedom, and any freedom you think you have, we can take away on a whim, because of our inherent superiority to you.

The elites who run the Hive and its constituent institutions are evil people.  They are hugely increasing their wealth and power, and they do not care how many among the masses they have killed, are killing, and will kill—and that number is already well into the millions.


The Problem of the Evil Ruling Class

America has a very different ruling class, and a very different relationship with its ruling class, than we have ever had. In just a few years, things have changed drastically for the worse. Our elites have dramatically broken from the shared values of America’s founding.  They reject constitutional norms and freedoms, and are viscerally opposed to free speech and expression.  They want to control the narrative, and they are controlling it, very tightly.

The Internet, which promised freedom and democratization of information to all, has, as Tucker Carlson pointed out last Friday evening, been perverted and turned into a way to deny critical information to the citizenry. That is entirely the doing of our evil elites, who are very, very serious about controlling what you know and are allowed to find out.  They have weaponized the federal justice and law enforcement machinery against political and religious dissent.

They have also rejected any restraints upon their greed and rapacity, no longer even pretending that the common man should be allowed to earn or own anything.  They have created an economic system featuring unlimited cheap immigrant labor and offshoring of manufacturing jobs to China, all to depress working class wages. The life expectancy of the white working class has significantly decreased in the last decade. The Hive does not want a fair system with a healthy and growing middle class; they want to be the lords and they want us to be the serfs. Just a few days ago, they were talking about the need to force down working class wages to fight inflation!

The dirty little secret is that the Hive’s opposition to Donald Trump is solely because he threatens the system they have built. Trump wants to raise working class wages by closing the border and repatriating manufacturing, and the Hive has shown itself ready, willing, and able to destroy every norm and every tradition of this great republic to stop him. They were also willing, obviously, to create and let loose a new pathogen, then shut down civilization in response to it, to harm the economy and Trump’s chances of re-election.        

I attribute the evil and depravity of our ruling elite to the rapid de-Christianization of the United States, and especially to its rapid de-Protestantization.  Americans are learning what it is to live under a ruling elite that not only are not believers themselves, but are utterly unfamiliar with biblical Christianity.

In 1955, America was about 95% Christian and 75% Protestant.  As recently as 1976, America was still 91% Christian and overwhelmingly Protestant.  Today, America is only 65% Christian and 45% Protestant.  Among young adults, ages 18 through 29, 55% claim to be Christian and only 36% claim to be Protestant—20% evangelical, 10% mainline, and 6% historically black.  That means that in 2055, America will be less than 50% Christian and about 35% Protestant, less than half what it was a century before, in 1955. 


If You Let Yourselves Go Around Masked up, Christ Will be of No Value to You at all (Gal. 5:2, DRV)

The masks do nothing to slow the spread of Covid, but they are very effective at another function: the mask identifies those who willingly follow the Hive.  The masks are a sign of unquestioning allegiance to the principalities, the powers, and the rulers of the darkness of this present age.

Anyone who at this late date is still wearing a mask—and there are many—is clearly signaling to the Hive, “I’m on your side; I believe it all, everything you’ve told me.  Don’t worry about me; I follow orders without question.”  

Yes, the mask is a mark of the beast, or at least the mark of the Hive, worn just below the forehead, signaling intellectual assent to the beastly system the Hive is building.  By wearing the mask, you are saying, “my faith is not in God, but in our elites’ efforts to build a Tower of Babel to the heavens, and save humanity without God.” 

That’s why this passage is so relevant, “If you let yourselves be masked up, Christ will be of no use to you at all.” (Gal. 5:2 DRV—David’s Revised Version).  Okay, yes, the original says “circumcised”; Paul’s point was that if you choose circumcision, you’ve opted for salvation through law-keeping, rather than salvation through faith in Jesus Christ—hence Christ is no longer of any use to you.

The same thing applies to masking up. It signals loyalty to the system the principalities and powers of this fallen world are building. By wearing the mask, you are putting your faith in human effort, not in God’s salvation freely given to you through Christ’s death on the cross. 

Paul goes on to say that anyone who is circumcised is obliged to keep the whole law. “Yea, I testify again to every man that receiveth circumcision, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.” That means you are restricted to 2,000 cubits travel on the Sabbath (1.2 km—less than a mile), you cannot start a fire on the Sabbath (no electricity, no internal combustion engine), you must practice levirate marriage and marry your brother’s widow, you have to continue to bring sacrifices to the temple, you must observe all the feasts and ceremonial sabbaths, you must observe kosher food and drink, you cannot wear mixed fabrics, you must perform ritual purification after touching a dead body, or after your period, or after childbirth, you must go to the priest if you have a rash, and about a thousand other things.  Unless you are prepared to do all that, Paul says, don’t bother getting circumcised. Because if you fail in even one point, you’ve broken the whole law and you have no hope of salvation.

Likewise, unless you are prepared to do all else the Hive demands of you—take each booster shot as it rolls out, give up your freedom of speech, accept that you have no inherent right to worship, work, or travel, accept that you have no right to learn the real facts about anything, don’t object to the invasion of your country at the rate of 3 million aliens per year, accept that if you are white you are a racist oppressor and white supremacist, accept that your children’s teachers have the right to convince your 14 year old daughter to cut her breasts off, accept that you will never have real elections again, accept that your tax money, and your sons’ blood, will be squandered in Ukraine—unless you are willing to do all this, don’t bother masking up. Because if you fail in any one of these things, the Hive will come after you and destroy you.


Live Not by Lies

The mask is a symbol of agreement with a narrative.  Increasingly, ideological differences relate not so much to policy prescriptions as to competing factual narratives. The ultimate meaning of the mask is the wearer’s declaration of fealty to the Hive’s factual narrative.   

You see, the Hive has a version of reality it wants you to accept—that Covid has zoonotic origins, that masks are effective to slow the spread of an airborne virus, that there was no treatment for Covid other than Remdesivir and ventilators, that the vaccine is safe and effective, and did not kill hundreds of thousands of people, that young vaccinated people do not die suddenly every day, that the 2020 presidential election was clean, fair and accurate in its results, that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation,” that January 6th was an insurrection, but the George Floyd riots were mostly peaceful protests, that the border is secure, and that it is in America’s vital national interests to send $200 billion a year and special forces operators—combat troops—into the war in Ukraine.

I’m certain none of that is true—not a word, not a syllable.  But that, and many more lies, are exactly what the Hive is very serious about forcing me and you to believe.  Anything contrary to that is dismissed as a “conspiracy theory.” Sadly, there are voices within Adventism that also say we need to believe all that, because reasons.  Their reasoning, as near as I can tell, is that if we don’t believe all that, we are not submitting to the duly constituted authorities.  Oh, we’re allowed to doubt the authorities at some point, but not until the Sunday law is enacted. If we object before then, we are “crying wolf.” Or something.

But if you think you can practice submitting to the Hive’s lies, that you can live by lies day after day, year after year, then one day flip a switch and start resisting the lies and living by truth, you are a fool.  Live not by lies. Make a commitment today to live by truth.