"And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure."
Now did the Jews abandon Mordecai? Did they say among themselves, “It is better that one man die for the people than the whole nation perish”? Did they tell the authorities, “Mordecai does not represent what we believe”?
God’s people completely misunderstood His first coming. Only the foolish are confident they have a precise view of the events leading to His Second Coming.
If the leadership at the top had responded to the pandemic by supporting liberty of conscience and promoting the health message, I wouldn’t be up at six in the morning writing this article.
Monks and ministers, modernists and mystics, all found common ground in critical re-interpretation of the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Last Sabbath we learned of troubling connections that the General Conference of the Adventist church (and other churches) has made with the United Nations and its right arm, the World Health Organization.
After Ron Kelly’s closing argument that relocation was not a logical remedy for a pastor accused of bullying and fomenting dissent, MISDA doubled down on their defamation and fired him.
News & Commentary
All of the people wrecking the country are not acting alone, they’re not irrational, incompetent or corrupt: they’re members of an ugly anti-Christian movement.
In place of those statements a clarifying statement should be made that the church does not support any mandates which can infringe on liberty of conscience, contrary to religious liberty principles found in Scripture.
The federal government will cease to promote, enforce or implement gender ideology and gender insanity
Pastors and leaders who stand for the truth should not be forced to stand alone. We, the elders of the Sandpoint SDA Church in Idaho write this letter in defense of Ron Kelly and the Village Church.
The House Industry, Business and Labor Committee voted for a “do-not-pass.” Minot Representative Dan Ruby carried that recommendation to the floor. The vote was 89 to 4 against the measure.
In a bid to change the subject at “X” away from H-1B Visas, Elon Musk began tweeting about Britain’s Muslim rape gangs; Douglas Murray responds
Christianity makes a huge difference in culture. If you think India was suddenly Christiantized and Westernized during the 90 years of the British Raj, you are profoundly mistaken
Did you know that Charles Dickens was a strong opponent of Sunday laws, and mentions that issue is his timeless classic, “A Christmas Carol”?
What does Ellen White say about church leaders trying to control the minds of others?
I was deeply troubled to learn that a member of the Village Church had passed away, and the family requested Ron to conduct the funeral service. Pastor Taariq contacted the conference to inquire whether Ron could officiate, only to be told no.