U.S. Senate Wants to Draft Women Into Military

The version of the National Defense Re-authorization Act (NDAA) passed by the Senate Armed Services Committee, by a 22 to 3 margin, requires women to register for selective service. There are ten Republicans on that senate committee, so obviously the overwhelming majority of Republicans voted to make women eligible for the draft:

Numerous studies have shown that putting women in combat units destroys unit cohesion and efficiency.

The attempt to staff the military with women, like so much comparable insanity in today’s world, is a satanic rebellion against reality and against the created sexual order. God created us male and female. (Gen. 1:27; Mat. 19:4) Sex is real, and the differences between the sexes are created, inherent, and non-eradicable. The attempt to destroy the created sexual order is the worst and most destructive sin of the contemporary Western world.