Senator Hawley Revisits FBI Scandal

Missouri U.S. Senator Josh Hawley has been foremost in trying to hold the FBI accountable for a memorandum originating from the Richmond field office that suggested infiltrating conservative Catholic parishes to hunt for domestic terrorists.

When this first became public, FBI director Christopher Wray denied that anyone had acted on the memo, but just two months after a whistleblower leaked the memo, on April 11, it emerged that the FBI did, in fact, approach one priest and one choirmaster to see if they would spy on their parishioners. Here was today’s questioning:

Unfortunately, this is all just “sound and fury signifying nothing.” Wray knows that there will be no consequences from the senate, which is in Democrat hands, nor from the House, which is also effectively in Democrat hands. In theory the House could reduce or completely stop funding for the FBI, but that will not happen because too many Republicans effectively agree with the Democrats that the FBI should be used to terrorize and destroy conservatives, especially conservative Christians.

The FBI Is planning to build an enormous new four-billion dollar headquarters in Maryland, which will be larger than the Pentagon. Congressman Matt Gaetz introduced an amendment to a funding bill to nix the new HQ, noting:

“Time after time we have seen the FBI target President Trump, people who believe in the Second Amendment, parents attending school board meetings, and more recently, some of their own brave FBI whistleblowers who have spoken up about the weaponization of our Federal Government. We should not be awarding nefarious behavior by wasting hundreds of millions of dollars for a new headquarters in the DC-area.”

They are wasting not hundreds of millions, but billions, with a “b.” Yet, Rep. Gaetz’s amendment failed by a vote of 145 to 273. So even though it has become publicly obvious that the FBI is an armed Praetorian Guard for the Left, about 75 Republicans crossed over and voted with the Democrats to kill Gaetz’ amendment and fund the FBI’s new $4 billion headquarters (which will be used mostly to spy on Americans without a warrant, making a mockery of the 4th Amendment).

When Pelosi was Speaker of the House, Democrats had passed legislation mandating that a “kill switch” be placed in every new vehicle sold after 2026. The idea is that if you appear to be driving erratically, under the influence of alcohol, the car will simply shut down. But anyone who doesn’t understand that the feds and the Left (but I repeat myself) will hack this and weaponize it against their political opponents has been in a coma since before the Canadian truckers’ strike and should be taken off of life-support.

Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky has not forgotten about this very bad law, and last month offered an amendment to repeal the “kill switch” law. His amendment was defeated 219 - 201. Nineteen Republicans crossed over to vote with the Democrats to keep the “kill switch” in the law.

Our government is building a dystopian police state, with the enthusiastic support of our elected representatives.