This excerpt from the Signs of the Times magazine was sent to us this morning. It’s very interesting, considering what our nation is facing today.
"The "Health Magazine" tells a strange story of an episode in the life of Atlanta, Georgia. It seems that a company, of ministers, lawyers, doctors, and other representative people 'met to form an anti-vaccination society, as they had a perfect right to do. In the midst of their meeting burst an M.D., the city health •officer, with eight policemen, who told the meeting. that he did not approve of their work and demanded to know whether all had been vaccinated. He did not vaccinate any one that night, but threatened them with arrest if they did not submit. Later one of the gentlemen was followed and' arrested, thrown into jail, brought into court, - and set free, as no charge. could be held against him. The arrested man had no redress. We yet believe in proper vaccination, but this is a shame; and yet this action lies right along the same lines of the religious legislation clamored for before every parliament of the people, state and national. The bad' fact is that such things as this of to-day will be forgotten by the people in the rush of to-morrow, while, in the future it, will be used as precedents by the promoter of religious and paternal, legislation."
Signs of the Times, Oct. 4, 1910. Vol. 37, No. 39
This appears to be the ‘money quote’.
“The sad fact is that such things as this of to-day will be forgotten by the people in the rush of to-morrow, while, in the future it, will be used as precedents by the promoter of religious and paternal, legislation."
Whoever made the Immunization (vaccine) Guidelines of the Seventh-day Church appears to have '“forgotten” this event too, just as it was predicted in 1910.
Signs of The Times, Oct 4, 1910. Vol 37, No. 39
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).
Ps. The management of Fulcrum7 is not anti-vax; we are solidly opposed to the coercive spirit that seeks to force the Covid injection on people of the world.