Southwest Airlines Pilots Begin the Counter-Revolution

Thousands of Southwest Airlines flights were canceled over the weekend, and hundreds more have been canceled yesterday and today. The spokespeople at the airline risibly blamed the weather, even though it was fair weather for the other airlines.

The real reason is that is that hundreds of Southwest pilots did not show up to work, in protest of a vaccine mandate. The company announced the mandate on October 5th; Southwest employees have until the day before Thanksgiving (Nov. 24th) to get the jab. The Southwest pilots petitioned a court to temporarily block the company from implementing the mandate until a lawsuit alleging U.S. labor law violations is resolved, but the current “sick out” demonstrates that the pilots have considerable power.

Alex Berenson provides some background details after being contacted by a Southwest pilot:

The pilot emailed following the first Southwest post today (and provided his SWA ID to prove his identity). He asked that I paraphrase the email. Essentially, the union cannot organize or even acknowledge the sickout, because doing so would make it an illegal job action. Years ago, Southwest and its pilots had a rough negotiation, and the union would not even let the pilots internally discuss the possibility of working-to-rule (which would have slowed Southwest to a crawl).

But at the moment the pilots don’t even need to talk to each other about what they’re doing. The anger internally – not just among pilots but other Southwest workers – is enormous. The tough prior negotiations notwithstanding, Southwest has a history of decent labor relations, and workers believe the company should stand up for them against the mandate. Telling pilots in particular to comply or face termination has backfired.

This account is being confirmed by multiple people in/around the industry on social media. The Air Traffic Controllers in Jacksonville supported the pilots by not coming to work:


For the record, there is not any federal vaccine mandate for private enterprise employees—that would likely require OSHA rule-making, which has not even begun. At this point, the “federal vaccine mandate” is just a press release. But it is also a signal to ideological fellow travelers who run the large corporations to implement their own mandates. This form of government is properly called fascism—where big government and big business subscribe to and implement the same totalitarian ideology. Call it whatever you like, but so far this approach has been very successful, probably more successful than an actual mandate, which could be challenged in court and might conceivably be struck down.

As I have said repeatedly, this isn’t about Covid, or vaccines, or science or medicine. This is about Leftist totalitarians forcing you to do what they want you to do. This is about freedom versus totalitarianism. The shadowy cabal of far-Left wing radicals who are running the “Biden Administration” want to dictate how you can live your life and earn a living.

I suspect that the Cabal’s ultimate goal might be to establish something like a federal work authorization system, which would allow the Leftist Cabal to decide on a universal basis who will be allowed to work and who will not, based upon a myriad of factors probably including your politics. It would be an effective way to implement a Chinese Communist Party-style social credit system.

If they can force you to have a medical procedure, and then carry documentation of that procedure—a digital vaccine passport—in order to be allowed to work, travel, shop, eat out, or otherwise live your life, they can force anything. They can force you to get small electronic implant that would include your bank balance of digital currency. They can stop you from buying or selling, just as the Book of Revelation predicts.

The weak point in their plan is that these people don’t know how to do any actual work. If the people who do work, and who know how things work, are wiling to resist, as the Southwest Airlines Pilots are doing now, we have a legitimate chance to stop the revolution in its tracks.

And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark.” Rev. 13:16-17