Michael Hasel spoke on Sabbath morning. He told the impelling story of his grandfather in the Nazi army. I looked around numerous times during his presentation. People were absolutely spellbound by the demonstration of God’s grace in the midst of harrowing oppression. They had no trouble drawing lessons from that story to the world we are moving into today.
After his talk, I ran to the hotel to get an undershirt (it was unusually cold in the stadium). On the way there and back I spoke with numerous non-Adventist attendees. I asked them what they thought of the meeting so far. They said that the story of that German Christian family was absolutely riveting. It was.
Ron Kelly spoke on the characteristics of a bully. He hit the nail on the head with a sledgehammer, carefully outlining the aspects of a bully, all of whom we have seen with gathering intensity over the last 24-months (has it really been THAT long?).
Ben Carson
We already reported on Ben’s fine presentation HERE.
Then we had another 30-minute presentation from Pastor Ron before lunch.
Ron Kelly
Ron reminded us that cowards are listed first among those outside the City in Revelation (Revelation 21:8).
God bore long with Lucifer. Amazing patience. God’s love is visible in His gift of free will to all men; in Isaiah he says “Come, let us reason together. Come, all who are thirsty; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat!” We can come if we choose to come, and we can choose because of God’s love to us.
Lucifer became Satan, he became blinded by self. There was war in heaven. Satan made clear that he longer belonged. God could have stepped in and prevented the greatest ravage of mankind. However love cannot be compelled. Fear can.
God did not step in and force Adam and Eve.
The cross is the exposition of the character of God. There is no external beauty that we should desire Him, He was scorned, rejected (Isaiah 53:2). We are attracted to Him because of His character, His love, and truth. Not only is God unwilling to force the conscience, He was willing to subject Himself to the hatred of the world. God is not the universe’s tyrant. Satan and his minions are.
God goes to the cross to win back was was given away. Behold the Lamb of God . . . (John 1:29).
Jesus paid the price of the second death. This a powerful truth. “The wages of sin is death . . .” But which death? All men die the first death, righteous and wicked alike. The real reward for sin is the second death, it is this death that Jesus took upon Himself.
Nobody is in hell now, nobody is in heaven rejoicing. The Millennium is the ultimate freedom of information act. No other scenario can fit with the reality that God is not the ultimate bully. COVID is compelling us to examine that God is not the god of force, but of divine persuasion and righteousness.
What about us? We won’t be rejoicing that God got even with His enemies. We will exist in the presence of peace and victory of sin.
We have watched—over the last two generation how our are nation has changed imperceptibly. Now freedom is hanging on a tenuous thread. We must be faithful to God in this trial. Give them no ammunition to deride our character.
The lunch was great. Mark Anthony did a fantastic job, providing a delicious immune-system building meal. And the sauce. Where did you get that sauce, Mark? Recipe please! Or, better yet, send us a quart or two.
![Pastor Ron Kelly](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55e08bc8e4b0c71256a51904/1641958192146-ER1DB5ZJFJ5DRK9S9T8F/33.jpg)
![Non Adventist Family](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55e08bc8e4b0c71256a51904/1641958255355-RCLXBZXLD3BH0X17TUTU/2022-01-08+13.53.17.jpg)
![Dave Fiedler](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55e08bc8e4b0c71256a51904/1641958292926-E0DY0PW8LYZJIMWD5MB4/2022-01-08+13.57.17.jpg)
![Rob Bernardo](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55e08bc8e4b0c71256a51904/1641958326471-GQ719UW9MEXVOK88T9YG/2022-01-08+13.48.21.jpg)
![Doctor from Loma Linda](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55e08bc8e4b0c71256a51904/1641958523820-RCS7C0C8V7SFEO1KJMH9/2022-01-08+13.26.20.jpg)
![Charles Haugabrooks](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55e08bc8e4b0c71256a51904/1641958593299-1VJB1KAVYAQ8GHQRFENP/2022-01-08+12.41.09.jpg)
![Non Adventists](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55e08bc8e4b0c71256a51904/1641958663369-ADCELH3Y6Y6GJYJ1LBAM/2022-01-08+13.53.12.jpg)
![The Dugout](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55e08bc8e4b0c71256a51904/1641958803348-ABQEL3U1MAQGLC9HAGV0/2022-01-08+13.22.05.jpg)
![Grandfather and grandaughter!](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55e08bc8e4b0c71256a51904/1641958876930-HT121IO854788S5ZOPI4/2022-01-08+09.52.44.jpg)
![Great Controversy's](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55e08bc8e4b0c71256a51904/1641958954796-Q4L789GV86J601B6T0O5/2022-01-08+09.54.24.jpg)
![Chase Field](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55e08bc8e4b0c71256a51904/1641959153462-GRDB5QSDJ7ZN7WGLUNE2/2022-01-08+07.51.54.jpg)
![Attendees . .](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55e08bc8e4b0c71256a51904/1641960683635-6FFH6C93QRPV62QKCX25/2022-01-07+20.41.20.jpg)
![Heading to lunch](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55e08bc8e4b0c71256a51904/1641960856112-8Q41JZIEDOFC9GQW88RD/2022-01-08+14.00.34.jpg)
I spoke with several people in the lunch line, non-Adventists, they were. Asked how they liked the meeting thus far, they said “loved it.” They said “It made us think” and it brought us a little closer to God.” I like that. I think He does too.
The afternoon break out meetings were very good. I heard part of Wyatt Allen, Rob Bernardo and Dave Fiedler. Top stuff.
Fear God and give glory to Him. Only Him.