Covid, Coercion, and Conscience: the Sessions

First up is the Friday Evening session. Dr. Peter McCullough begins his superb talk at the 29:45 minute mark and it is absolute must viewing! Dr. McCullough is an academic physician who edits two journals and has published over 650 articles, and still sees patients every day. In additional to being the most published researcher in his academic sub-specialty of cardio-nephrology, Dr. McCullough also earned a degree in epidemiology from the University of Michigan School of Public Health. This visit to Michigan was a homecoming for Dr. McCullough, as several of his early years of medical practice, as well as his epidemiology training, were done in Michigan.

One thing that emerged from the talk is that Dr. McCullough is a Christian, regularly attends a Methodist Church in Dallas, and approaches his profession with an overtly Christian ethic. He got involved with Covid-19 research after his wife’s cousin died shortly after giving birth at 7 months gestation in March of last year. He is still visibly moved and upset by this loss.

Interesting fact: The Israeli Health Ministry now says the Pfizer vaccine is only 17% effective; a vaccine that is less than 50% effective is considered worthless. Israel now has as many Covid cases as it had at its peak last year before the vaccines came online, and 86% of those cases are from vaccinated individuals. It is clear that the Pfizer vaccine is garbage, both in the safety and efficacy categories—it is neither safe nor effective—and yet we are now hearing rumors that the FDA plans to approve it this coming Monday.

There have now been several clusters of cases—outbreaks of the Delta variant—among isolated fully vaccinated persons. One example is the Democrat Texas state legislators who fled to Washington DC to prevent the legislature from having a quorum to conduct business; all were vaccinated but there was still a Covid outbreak on the plane. A study of breakthrough cases in Saigon—all Delta variant—of previously vaccinated persons indicated that their viral load was 251 times greater than the viral load un-vaccinated persons were carrying last year. So vaccination is creating super-carriers and super-spreaders, a fact that utterly destroys any logic behind forced vaccination and “vaccine passports.”

A panel discussion begins at the 2:05 minute mark. On the panel are Dr. Lela Lewis, an OBGYN and the founder of the “Your Best Pathway to Health” programs, in which they set up physicians in a stadium and provide free health care to all comers, attorney Jonathan Zirkle, an attorney and California who does employment law, and represents terminated in employees before the EEOC and in court, Scott Ritsema, founder of “Belt of Truth Ministries” and now the “The Liberty and Health Alliance,” founded to support freedom of conscience as it relates to the vaccine. Dr. Conrad Vine moderated the panel discussion.

It appears the panel discussion was shorter than planned because Dr. McCullough ran long in his presentation, but there was time for a couple of rounds of comments, and it was excellent.

Next is the Sabbath Morning Session. The early service sermon, by Dr. Conrad Vine, begins at the 43 minute mark. The next presenter was law professor Bruce Cameron, who talked about employment law and the Covid-19 vaccination. Dr. Roger Seheult began presenting on boosting the immune system with lifestyle medicine at the 2:14 mark. The Village Church’s senior pastor, Dr. Ron Kelly, preached the second service sermon, beginning at the 3:35 mark, entitled “Coercion, Conscience and Courage.”

Next is the Sabbath Afternoon Session. At the 6:40 mark a panel discussion begins, with Ron Kelly, Dr. John Kelly, Lela Lewis, Dr. Peter McCullough, Joyce Choe, and Conrad Vine.

After some technical difficulties, at about the 2:01 mark, attorney Mat Staver appear via remote video. His presentation was absolutely outstanding, and a must watch. Do NOT skip Mat’s presentation. He shows that our ruling elites are ignoring multiple laws and constitutional principles in trying to impose mandatory vaccination from the top down.

Finally, at about the 3:06 minute mark, Ron Knott presented a talk about coercion. Some will find this a bit dry and overly literary, with references to Shakespeare and Robert Bolt. For me, the highlight was when he shared how astonished he was at this statement in a Lake Union Herald editorial: “I am saying that your choice not to be vaccinated will appropriately come with limitations on community participation, work and travel.” Knott was especially troubled by the word “appropriately.” Knott was careful not to mention any names, but we have already discussed this editorial, and the person who wrote it, here.