Service, Motivated by God’s love, Wins Hearts Again

“Ma’am, is it time to come in yet?” “Will you be opening the doors soon?” The questions were eagerly repeated.  

It was early Sunday morning in Cadillac Michigan, and over forty people were waiting for our Free Dental Clinic & Health Expo to open.

John was one of those people.  Invited by his mother who saw one of our flyers, he came curious and searching.  He needed some dental care but there was something more he was searching for and our event drew him in.  While waiting on the dentist, John went through the rest of the expo.  He got a chair massage, had his blood drawn, enjoyed a great meal, and received some nutritional advice.  When he left later that day he expressed how grateful he was for all we had offered him, and signed up for an upcoming cooking class and Bible studies.  

The next day as our event was wrapping up, John walked in the door with a radiant smile on his face and asked:  “How did it go today?  I was so blessed yesterday that I had to come by and see how it went today!” 

I excitedly shared with him how we served over 160 people and his smile brightened.

Then he asked me:  “Do you go to the church up there on the hill?” 

“Yes, I do” I happily replied.

“Do you like it?” He inquired.

“Yes!” I exclaimed and shared with him how we started attending, how much we loved it and how lovely our Pastor and his wife are. 

“Well, after hearing that and what I experienced, I think I’m going to give it a try” he responded.  And he has!

For the past few weeks he has attended church every Sabbath, prayer meeting, a cooking class and a presentation on lowering your cholesterol naturally.  He has signed up for personal health coaching and Bible studies. 

The other day he shared how he feels led to our church and is so grateful for all the help he is receiving. He feels such a part of our family that when we were signing thank you cards at church for the expo volunteers, he wanted to sign them all to express his personal gratitude to each one.  We rejoice and look forward to how the Lord will continue working in John’s life and with the many others that we have been in touch with since our health expo. 

Letter of appreciation sent to the local newspaper.

The Lord fulfilled His promise in Ephesians 3:20 and blessed more abundantly than we could ask or think with our Free Dental Clinic & Health Expo.  In two days we were able to serve over 160 people and donate around $69,000 in services to our area.  Not only did we have the Free Dental Clinic and the Eight Health Laws, we also offered free haircuts, free blood cholesterol and blood sugar testing as well as all were served a warm plant-based full meal.  It’s the talk of our community. 

Now we have medical professionals calling asking how they can get involved in our 2017 Free Clinic on September 22 & 24 in Cadillac, MI.  We are praying for the Lord to send more Dentists and Hygienists, and would appreciate everyone’s prayers.  This clinic been a light to our community, and even more, it has lit a fire in our church members.  Young and old, are seeing the power of practical godliness expressed through loving service.  May God light a fire in our hearts.  We are witnesses that service motivated by God’s love wins hearts again and again.

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever.  Amen."



Laura McKinley is the organizer for the Health, Hope & Healing Free Dental Clinic & Health Expo, as well as the health ministry leader in her church.  Laura lives in northern Michigan with her parents and little sister.  She is a medical massage therapist as well as a home-birth midwife.  She and her family also have a health ministry, The Creator's Way, where they travel around teaching and equipping people in how to use God's precious gift of the health message to bring health and healing to people and prepare them for His soon return.