F. D. Nichol was a long-time editor of the Review and Adventism’s leading 20th Century apologist. “Answers to Objections” was his magnum opus. We begin with the objection that Adventists too often quote from the Old Testament, when Christians should be using only the New Testament.
Read moreSabbath School: Instructions for Christian Living
Was Christ really a man? Do spiritual gifts create chaos or order? How do Christians handle righteous indignation?
Read moreSabbath School: This Grace Given
Paul tells of his privilege in being given stewardship of God’s grace to the gentiles. God’s grace given to us gentiles was also “this grace given” to Paul.
Read moreSabbath School: By Nature Deserving of Wrath
Can we please stop pretending that there is nothing particularly wrong with human nature?
Read moreSecond Quarter Prophecy Omnibus
All thirteen lessons from the second quarter of 2023 are collected here, including studies of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.
Read moreSabbath School: A Letter to the Ephesian Christians
God has predestined you to be saved. Don’t screw it up.
Read moreA Biblical Response to the "Transing of America"
Here is “Biblical Response to the Transing of America,” a thundrous sermon against the trans insanity, at least until it comes to the question of the appropriate response.
Read moreDoes Opposing Abortion Make You a Theocrat?
Why do Adventists continue to be bedeviled by a false and misguided philosophy of religious liberty?
Read moreSabbath School: Worthy is The Lamb
With all the beasts in Daniel and Revelation, it is easy to lose sight of that one animal that is by far the most important symbolic creature in the Bible, the Lamb.
Read more3,000 Year-Old Sword Gleams, Dazzles Archeologists
An ancient sword unearthed in Germany was found “still gleaming” at the time of discovery despite the fact that the weapon was about 3,300 years old.
Read moreSabbath School: The Mark of the Beast
What is the “mark of the beast”?
Read moreSabbath School: Two Beasts To Reckon With
Revelation 13 tells us about two beasts, one from the sea, the other from the land.
Read moreSabbath School: Babylon is Fallen
Scripture couldn’t be any clearer that this religious system is evil and corrupt. It incorporated all the errors of paganism and then, during the era of its supremacy, used force, compulsion, and terror to make people accept those errors.
Read moreThe World’s Oldest Pants Are a 3,000-Year-Old Engineering Marvel
German archeologists are amazed that Asians living 3,000 years ago made very good pants.
Read moreSabbath School: A Woman Rides the Beast
We cannot be in any doubt that John was shown that an impure church teaching false doctrines would inherit the seat of the Roman Empire.
Read moreSabbath School: The Sabbath and the End
All efforts to compromise with long-ages geology by changing the way we read Genesis are ultimately extremely destructive to our Seventh-day Adventist faith.
Read moreSabbath School: Worshiping the Creator
Without embracing the Bible’s creation narrative, there is no Gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel rests upon the foundation of Genesis, and without that foundation, the gospel crumbles.
Read moreHow Irreducible Complexity Refutes Macro-Evolution, A Series by Michael Behe
Plants and animals are composed of irreducibly complex biological and biochemical machinery. These mahcines could not have been created by random genetic copying errors. They speak clearly of a Creator God.
Read moreAmazing Fossil: Adult Dinosaur Covering Nest of Eggs
Sabbath School: The 490 Years
The prophecy that Gabriel told Daniel, recorded in Daniel 9, was fulfilled very exactly in the time-frame specified. Thus, we know that 457 BC is the right date to start the 490 years.
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