A Biblical Response to the "Transing of America"

Below is a very good sermon by Pastor Gary Hamrick on the “transing” of America. Hamrick pastors a large church in Leesburg, Virginia.

I know some of you have already seen this and posted it in at least one of our threads. This is solid and scripturally based, but I thought Hamrick was pulling his punches in a couple of very important instances.

First, in the discussion of the boycotts against Target and others, he was a bit wishy-washy. He discusses how today’s corporations are very concerned about ESG—Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance—which is the cultural Marxist agenda that the activist Left is imposing on American corporations.

Hamrick notes that a homosexual advocacy group called the Human Rights Campaign (funded by George Soros) publishes something called a “Corporate Equality Index” or CEI, and that large asset management companies like Blackrock and Vanguard, with trillions under management, invest those trillions based upon how well companies score on the CEI index. Thus, Hamrick is pessimistic that consumer boycotts will do any good.

I disagree. The boycotts of Target and Anheuser-Busch are succeeding well. True, the fact that huge funds like Blackrock are protecting the management helps them in the short run, but in the long run, even the Larry Finks of the world will have to back off if the companies they own stock in do not make a profit. Boycotts and activism are very effective—they are exactly how the radical Left got control of corporate America, and they are how decent people can win America’s corporations back to sanity.

Second, he states that all his children are grown, but if he had school-age children, he would not put them in public school. But then he equivocates and says that there are some wonderful teachers who are “salt and light” in the Loudoun County, Virginia, public schools (he adds this because there are Loudoun County public school teachers in his congregation).

Wait, what?

Loudoun County, Virginia?

The woke filth running the Loudoun County public school district allowed boys to use the girls bathroom, and a girl was raped! Then the Marxist vermin running the Loudoun County public school district covered up the rape!! Then, in June, 2021, when the girl’s father came to a school board meeting to complain about the rape and the coverup, the Loudoun County public school commissioners had their security team tackle and arrest him, and haul him off in handcuffs!!! Then the lovely people running the Loudoun County public school district transferred the rapist to another school in the district, where he assaulted another girl in October 2021!!!!

A grand jury report said the upstanding citizens running the Loudoun County public schools “failed at every juncture” and displayed a “stunning lack of openness, transparency and accountability, both to the public and to the special grand jury” investigating the sexual assaults—which is the understatement of the century.

Pastor Hamrick, what you should be telling your parishioners who live in Loudoun County, Virginia, is that if they still have children in the Loudoun County public schools, they must hate them. They should all be home-schooled or put in church school immediately, meaning two years ago.

I look forward to hearing your comments on this sermon. My comment is that Sunday-keepers are never going to appreciate this issue as well as Sabbath-keepers, because male vs. female is a creational distinction exactly like the difference between Sabbath and Sunday—it is something that God created in the beginning, during the creation week, and wanted kept sacred and inviolable throughout human history.

“Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator made them male and female and said, For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?”

No, sweet friends, if Seventh-day Adventists are not willing to speak up and speak out against this Satanic rebellion against the created order, Sunday-keepers will not take up the slack. And as I’ve said before, if we are not willing to speak against this Satanic rebellion against creational distinctions, we will never defend the difference between Sabbath and Sunday when that becomes the burning issue of the day.