When did Sunday-keeping come into the Christian Church?
Read moreThe Cross and its Shadow, 4
The Ark of the Covenant was at the center of the sanctuary service.
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 43
What about when John, on the Island of Patmos, wrote, “I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day.” (Rev. 1:10). Did John mean that Sunday was the “Lord’s Day”?
Read moreThe Cross and its Shadow, 3
God’s illustration of the plan of salvation was seen in the wilderness tabernacle, in Solomon’s temple, in the Second Temple, and in the temple in heaven
Read morePeterson & Lennox: God and the Scientific Method
Jordan Peterson has come to understand that the presuppositions of modern science are explicitly Biblical and Christian. We live in a logos-based universe, created by the Logos (John 1:1-5)
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 42
What about Acts 20:7 (the Eutychus incident) and 1 Cor. 16:2 (putting money aside on the first day of the week)? Do these texts show that the Sabbath has been switched to Sunday?
Read moreThe Cross and its Shadow, 2
The earthly tabernacle was patterned after what is in heaven.
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 41
Does the fact that, (1) after the Resurrection, Christ met with his disciples on Sunday at least twice, and (2) the Pentecost at which the Holy Spirit was pour out was on a Sunday, mean that the solemnity of the Sabbath was transferred to Sunday?
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 40
What about Sabbath-keeping at the poles, and the effect, on Sabbath-keeping, of traveling around the world?
Read moreThe Cross and Its Shadow, 1
The sanctuary in the wilderness and later the temples of Solomon and Herod, along with their associated sacrifices and rituals, illustrated the death of Christ and the plan of salvation. They were the gospel of Jesus Christ in types and symbols
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 39
Was the weekly cycle deranged when Christendom changed from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar?
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 38
Should Christians keep the Seventh Day or just any one day among the seven, so long as it is regularly kept?
Read moreThe Merneptah Stele
The Merneptah Stele provides stunning independent confirmation of Bible history.
Read moreNo, Moderate Drinking is Not Good for Health
No, moderate drinking is not good for your heart. The studies that seemed to show health benefits were poorly designed.
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 37
Were the days of the creation week not literal, twenty-four hour days, but long indefinite periods, millions of years in length?
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 36
Is Paul doing away with the weekly Sabbath in Romans 14:5: “One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike”?
Read moreGod's Strange Work
David L. Rowe’s book on William Miller misses the mark
Read moreJohn Walton's Cosmic Temple
John Walton believes that Genesis One is not describing the creation of the world, but the assigning of functions to things within a cosmic temple
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 35
Did Joshua’s miracle of stopping the sun move Saturday into Sunday, so that now the solemnity of the Sabbath is to be observed on Sunday?
Read moreThe Midnight Cry! William Miller and the End of the World
The Midnight Cry! is a very good documentary about the Millerite movement and the Great Disappointment
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