Peterson & Lennox: God and the Scientific Method

It is interesting to watch Jordan Peterson’s evolution from atheist to theist, and perhaps eventually to Christianity. Here, Peterson is dialoging with Christian mathematician and apologist John Lennox about the scientific method.

In his younger days (or his Jung-er days), Peterson believed the propaganda about Christianity and science being at war with each other. But more recently he has come to understand that the presuppositions of modern science—e.g., nature operates according to fixed laws which are discoverable, it is good to discover them, to “think God’s thoughts after Him”, etc.—are all from the biblical/Christian worldview. Science is based on, among other things, the presupposition that there is a good God, a lawgiver who has made an orderly universe that runs according to law. I explored this is this column from over 7 years ago.

What is perhaps even more interesting, in this day of grifters like Anthony Fauci claiming to “represent science,” are the ethical foundations of science. Science does not work unless scientists ruthlessly suppress their own biases and are scrupulously honest about publishing only truthful data and results.

Lately, it appears that science will not survive in an environment of near total corruption, where most research is paid for by, and done for the benefit of, the pharmaceutical industrial complex. Sadly, the conversation between Peterson and Lennox reaches ethics only near the end, and does not touch on recent disasters like the Covid/Covid vaccine fiasco.