A very good 22 minute lecture on the geologic column, by Dr. Andrew Snelling
Read moreSabbath School: Glorifying God
How do we go about fearing and glorifying God, given that we are living during the investigative judgment in Heaven, the final event before Christ will return?
Read moreSabbath School: Is the Harvest Ripe?
And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly.
Read moreSabbath School: War in Heaven
We might yet have to bear witness with our lives. Are you ready for the coming test?
Read moreIdeological Sin—Is the SDA Church Trending Anti-Marxist?
How might the SDA Church make itself useful in leading an anti-Marxist counter-revolution? How would we begin to do this?
Read moreSabbath School: Respecting the Recompense of the Reward
Are we investing in this world, or in that “better country,” “where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal”?
Read moreSabbath School: The Battle is the Lord's
Good things happen when good kings like Jehoshaphat rely on God to fight their battles; bad things happen when kings rely on their own men and matériel.
Read moreSabbath School: Wealth, Aging, and Death
“The Lord would have His followers dispense their means while they can do it themselves.”
Read moreSabbath School: The Sin of Covetousness
“But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.”
Read moreSabbath School: Working and Earning
Whatever our calling is, we are to commit to it and do it with vigor and excellence, in order to glorify God in our lives.
Read moreWhen Did Spiritualism Come In?
“One short sleep past, we wake eternally, and death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.”
Read moreCrime Before the Flood
But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere.
Read moreDisguised Infidelity
Infidel geologists claim that the world is very much older than the Bible record makes it. But the infidel supposition, that the events of the first week required seven vast, indefinite periods for their accomplishment, strikes directly at the foundation of the Sabbath of the fourth commandment.
Read moreThe New Age, Part 5: Carl Jung, Jordan Peterson, and Truth
The patient presents himself to a psychologist as Napoleon and the psychologist agrees to call him “Emperor?” Has the doctor been helpful? Is it true?
Read moreThe New Age, Part 4: Agenda 21, Culture Creation, and Suicide
A new religion is required for the new system. This state religion is a type of earth worship, bowing to Gaia.
Read moreThe New Age, Part 3: Timothy Leary, Susan Sarandon and the Folly of Pharmakeia
From Armand Hammer, to Al Gore, to Katy Perry, to the Pharmaceutical Follies, to Timothy Leary and CIA-sponsored LSD, to Susan Sarandon’s Burning Man Boots. What a long strange trip it’s been.
Read moreThe New Age, Part 2: Burning Man, Edge, and The Willing Fool
Is the New Religion science? Technology? Self-empowerment? Sustainability? Naval-gazing hedonism? All of that and more. It’s here.
Read moreThe New Age, Part 1: Conspirituality and Positive Thinking
If you are thinking that the “New Age” is being imported to the West to perform the same function it performs in India—excusing injustice and exploitation of the lower classes —you are not wrong.
Read moreThe Lessons of Monkeypox
Monkeypox, like AIDS before it, is a plague spread by homosexual behavior.
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