The Lessons of Monkeypox

Monkeypox is rare tropical disease that, as its name indicates, was found mostly in the animal kingdom.  When people were infected, it was typically through rodent bites or the bites of other small animals.  It did not usually spread rapidly among people.

The symptoms of Monkeypox include fever, body aches, chills, fatigue, and the bumps on parts of the body. The skin lesions can be extremely painful, and people with the disease remain contagious for weeks. 

Although human cases of Monkeypox have heretofore been rare and centered in the tropics, that has suddenly changed. Only a couple of months ago, epidemiologists and researchers began noticing that this year, Monkeypox was spreading outside of its home in equatorial Africa. More than 15,000 cases have been reported in non-tropical countries that historically do not encounter the disease, including the United States and Europe. 

You see, Monkeypox, like AIDS before it, is a plague spread by homosexual behavior.  It is spread almost exclusively by men who have sex with other men. 

On July 22, ABC News reported that of the more than 2,800 cases so far reported in the United States, 99% have been men found in men who reported having sex with other men.  On July 23rd, Rochelle Walensky, head of the Centers for Disease Control, stated that all but two of the cases reported to the CDC so far have been from men who have sex with other men; the two that were not—two young children—were living in households with grown men who have sex with other men. 

In a recent study reported by NBC News on July 22, researchers pooled data on 528 cases of Monkeypox diagnosed between April 27 and June 24 at 43 sites in 16 countries. All the cases were among men, including one transgender man, 98% of whom identified as gay or bisexual. This stark demographic finding is in keeping with data on the outbreak from around the world, such as a recent report from the British Health Security Agency finding that of the 699 Monkeypox cases for which there was available information, 97% were in gay, bisexual or other men who have sex with men. New York City, the U.S. epicenter, has seen only one woman diagnosed with the virus out of 639 cases confirmed through July 19.

But it isn’t just spread by men having sex with men, it is spread at huge gatherings of homosexuals in which men have sex with multiple anonymous partners. 

A May 23 article in the London press stated that, “The four confirmed cases in Germany have been linked to exposure at ‘party events including on Gran Canaria and in Berlin, where sexual activity took place,’ it said.”  Spain’s senior health official, Enrique Ruiz Escudero, said authorities are investigating possible links between a recent Gay Pride event in the Canary Islands, which drew some 80,000 people, and cases at a gay sauna near Madrid.

A July 6th article at NBC News tells the story of a gay man who attended several large gatherings of homosexual men, having sex at each one:

Jeff, who’s in his mid-30s and is a university administrator in a mid-Atlantic state, spent a couple of weeks traveling through Europe through early June. He made stops in London, Paris, Amsterdam and Berlin, having sex with multiple partners along the way, he said, including in a bathhouse and a sex club in the German capital.

“There’s hundreds of men in this club,” Jeff said, recalling considerable skin-to-skin contact between patrons. “Obviously, no one’s coming down to wipe down the sling.” 

A U.N. agency said the outbreak is “a highly unusual event” and said the fact that cases are emerging in so many European countries suggests the disease may have been silently spreading for some time. The agency’s Europe director warned that as summer begins across the continent, mass gatherings, festivals and parties could accelerate the spread of Monkeypox.

A July 22 report by NBC News states that Monkeypox cases have risen sharply in recent weeks, and that,

Public health experts also theorize that major LGBTQ Pride gatherings in June may have facilitated transmission of the virus. And given the infection’s incubation period — the new paper puts it at seven days, with a range of three to 20 days — the nation is now possibly seeing the resulting downstream effects of sexual encounters in late June and early July.

The NBC News article also discloses where the skin lesions and the resulting pain are localized, removing any doubt as to exactly what types of homosexual sodomy led to the spread of the virus:

“We have seen patients with severe rectal pain that worsens every time they go to the bathroom, genital pain every time they urinate and throat pain every time they swallow,” said Dr. Jason Zucker, an infectious disease specialist at Columbia University Department of Medicine.

In a long twitter thread linked to by the news aggregator Citizenfreepress that has since been removed, a gay man reported that he had acquired Monkeypox at a gay kink party focused on urine play; he reported that gays from all over the country had flown in to participate in this party, which had been canceled the previous two years due to Covid, and hence was more highly anticipated and heavily attended than ever.  He reported having had sexual contact with seven different men at this event, and although he had since had sex with more men, when his Monkeypox became symptomatic, the timing of the incubation period pointed exactly to the kink party.

A story in Britain’s Guardian reports:

“When New York Pride festivities kicked off on 24 June, I was aware that Monkeypox was an emerging issue – especially for gay men – but I was also under the impression that the number of cases in the city was relatively small. I had sex with several guys over the weekend. Then a week later, on 1 July, I started feeling very fatigued. I had a high fever with chills and muscle aches, and my lymph nodes were so swollen they were protruding two inches out of my throat.

“Two days after my symptoms began, the rash started as anorectal lesions. . . . Initially it was a stinging, itchy feeling. I wasn’t scared at this point. I was told that it would be mild, and I was a completely healthy individual with no underlying conditions. But I had no idea how bad it was going to get.

“The next day I got my STI results: positive for gonorrhoea. But no word yet on monkeypox. That’s when I developed hives everywhere on my body from my neck down, as well as a headache, arthritis pain in my fingers and shoulders and a strange pain in my shin bone that got so painful that I couldn’t stand up. At night, I would wake up going crazy with both pain and itching from the lesions and hives, just sitting up in bed and scratching myself. . . .

My anorectal lesions, which were already very painful, turned into open wounds. It felt like I had three fissures right next to each other, and it was absolutely excruciating. I would literally scream out loud when I went to the bathroom. Even keeping the area clean, like washing myself, was extremely painful. It was a two hour process each time.

Then my throat started swelling up. My tonsils were covered in white pus.  . . . The ER determined it was bacterial tonsillitis, and they gave me a round of antibiotics. But when I asked them for antivirals, they said they wouldn’t give them to me because they only gave it to people who were severely immunocompromised. I told them, “That’s not the CDC treatment guidelines.” They wouldn’t have it, and they discharged me at 2 am. I was incredibly demoralized.

This man’s story is interesting not just for the details about Monkeypox but also the fact that from one weekend in which he had sex with “several” partners, he contracted not only Monkeypox but also gonorrhea and bacterial tonsillitis.  Obviously, having sex with several anonymous partners over the course of one weekend is a public health catastrophe.  And that type of behavior is not at all unusual among young gay males.

 Back to 1970s Behavior?

When pro-gay activists are confronted with the studies from the 1970s documenting extreme gay promiscuity, as detailed in Elizabeth Iskander’s article, “The Myth of Male Homosexual Monogamy,” the typical retort is, “Gay men fell into those behaviors because homosexuality was not accepted by the larger society, and there was no support, in the form of same-sex marriage, for homosexual monogamy.”

Well, now there is almost total societal acceptance of homosexuality.  In 2003, in Lawrence v. Texas, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all laws criminalizing homosexual conduct (most of which had not been enforced since the mid-1970s) and in 2015, in Obergefell v. Hodges, the court made same-sex marriage the law in every state in the union. There is nothing preventing homosexual males from forming monogamous long-term relationships, if they want to.  So why are gays, in the year 2022, still gathering in large groups to have anonymous sex with multiple partners? 

In fact, promiscuous sex with multiple anonymous partners is a strongly preferred behavior.  It was only tamped down in the 1980s because AIDS rendered that type of behavior risky and dangerous.  But now that AIDS is highly treatable and far less a threat than it was 40 years ago, gay males are acting out their preferences again. Large gatherings are happening again; the gay pride event in the Canary Islands was reportedly attended by 80,000 gay males.

 Propaganda Designed to Obscure the Role of Homosexuals in Spreading Monkeypox

You won’t find much reporting on these events because mainstream media continues to push the narrative that the gay lifestyle is exactly like the heterosexual lifestyle, except for the same-sex orientation.  This is the false narrative that, along with the belief that same-sex orientation is inborn and unchangeable, won widespread social acceptance for homosexuality, and eventually approval for same-sex marriage.  Gay orgies attended by hundreds or even thousands of men who each have sex with multiple anonymous partners do not fit that (oh, so useful) narrative. 

Even now, if you google (or DuckDuckGo) Monkeypox, you’ll find numerous articles that scream, “Monkeypox is not a gay illness.”  The virus, they will say, doesn’t know whether you’re straight or gay.  This is all so very familiar to those of us who lived through the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s.  The gay activists, the media, and the public health authorities kept insisting that AIDS was a threat to everyone, even as a mountain of facts confirmed that AIDS was confined almost exclusively to gay males, intravenous drug users, and those unlucky enough to have received a tainted blood transfusion before the blood banks stopped accepting donations from men who have sex with men.

Today, the CDC is going down that same road.  Although, as mentioned above, CDC director Rochelle Walensky has admitted that every single case reported to them has been from men who have sex with men, or children in their household, the official CDC page on Monkeypox does not even mention that if you are man who does not want to contract Monkeypox, it would be a very good idea to avoid having sex with other men:

Time to repeal Obergefell and Lawrence v. Texas

In view of what was done to the American people during the last two years in the name of public health—the extreme and unprecedented deprivation of basic human rights and liberties in the name public health, in purportedly trying to slow the spread of Covid—one would certainly believe that the government wants to stop the spread of disease and preserve the public health, and is willing to inconvenience a great many people to do that. 

And what did we just experience with Covid?: lock downs, shutting down schools and businesses, forcing people to stay home, mask mandates, social distancing, forcing small children to mask up, forcing people to be jabbed with a dangerous, so-called “vaccine” that doesn’t prevent infection nor the spread of Covid.  This was all purportedly done to stop the spread of a disease that does not harm children, that rarely kills pre-retirement age adults, and did not reduce life expectancy below 78 years because most of the people dying from it were older than that.  (The vaccine probably will reduce life expectancy because it is killing younger people—but that’s a story for another day.)

In view of what we just went through, what excuse can there possibly be for allowing large public gatherings of gay males?  At a minimum, large gatherings, the main purpose of which is to facilitate anonymous sex with multiple partners, should be outlawed.  Anonymous sex between male strangers promotes no societal interest whatsoever and has no social value whatsoever. There is only the public health disaster of spreading multiple diseases.

In view of the diseases spread by men having sex with multiple anonymous male partners, it is of urgent importance to repeal Lawrence v. Texas, the supreme court case that held that criminal laws against sodomy somehow violated the constitution.  It is in fact more urgent to repeal Lawrence than Obergefell.  Marriage isn’t something that most gay males are interested in; having sex with large numbers of other men is, but that behavior poses a severe risk to public health. 

Of course, none of this is going to happen.  Our ruling elites do not care a fig about public health.  The Covid nightmare—the shutdowns, the vaccine passports, the vaccines mandates—were all a “proof of concept” to see how much liberty could be seized from the people, how deep into slavery they could sink us, how far down into the dirt they could stomp us.  A society that really cared as much about public health as our masters pretended to care during the covid nightmare would never have allowed, much less celebrated, the decriminalization of homosexual conduct.   

The reality is that we are now living in a perverse neo-pagan society that exalts and privileges dangerous gay male behavior that was long outlawed throughout Christendom.  Most of our institutions are controlled by the Left—certainly including CDC, FDA, NIH, and HHS, which the Left gutted and wore as a skin suit during the Covid catastrophe—and they are operated first and foremost to exalt aberrant behavior and destroy the created sexual order.  Any concern over public health is far down their list of priorities, which is why gay orgies will remain legal forever.

 God’s Prohibitions are Based Upon Reason and Natural Law

There is a school of thought, unfortunately dominant within Seventh-day Adventism, that holds that God has ordered believers to avoid having sex with someone of the same sex, but for the larger society, there’s really nothing wrong with it.  It is A-Okay, and healthy, and a good thing for non-believers.  Just not for us Christians, because God has inexplicably denied it to us, apparently as an arbitrary test of our faith and obedience. 

One of the lessons of Monkeypox is that this view is idiotic.  It is the opposite of the truth.  In fact, homosexual promiscuity is a danger to society and the health of those engaging in it regardless of their belief system. 

In fact, God is not denying us anything that will be good for us.  He loves us and is trying to spare us from the travails of things like Monkeypox, Gonorrhea, bacterial Tonsillitis (to name three diseases one gay man picked up in a weekend of anonymous sex with multiple partners), Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Syphilis, Genital Herpes, Chlamydia, and Human Papilloma Virus (yes, gay men can get Chlamydia and HPV).  That is why God has limited legitimate sexual expression to heterosexual marriage.  If you follow God’s laws, you need not live in fear of these diseases.

To be clear, God is not supernaturally bringing disease on gay men as a punishment for their behavior; disease is a natural consequence of the behavior.  And it always has been.  As Paul wrote, “men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.”  Rom. 1:27. God might be mocked, but natural law, the laws of health and sanitation, will not be.  If you disregard natural law, you will receive the due penalty within yourself. 

God has prohibited same-sex relations not because He is arbitrarily denying us something good that others may safely engage in, but because the road of homosexual promiscuity leads nowhere other than to disease, pain, self-loathing, self-destruction, and ultimately death.  It is not good for Christians or anyone else, and a well-ordered society that really cares about public health would not tolerate it. 

Update 7/28/2022:

Rod Dreher writes of “the blatant hypocrisy of our public health authorities with regard to Monkeypox -- the same kind of hypocrisy we saw in early Covid, with regard to the Black Lives Matter protests. In the former case, we were all supposed to avoid all public gatherings . . . unless we were gathering to protest police brutality against black people, in which case the laws of public health were suspended for a Higher Good. Similarly with Monkeypox, the public health authorities cannot bring themselves to shut down bathhouses or speak ill of gay male promiscuity as a spreader of disease. If people spread Monkeypox by going to church, they would have closed churches by now, or at the very least have mounted a big campaign to encourage people to stay home on Sunday mornings. But stopping the [gay] orgies? What are you, a bigot?”

It is obvious that our public health authorities are not serious about public health. If they were, they would shut down the gay pride events, the bathhouses, the planned orgies, etc. What they are very serious about is advancing the Leftist agenda and the Leftist narrative, which includes privileging and glorifying the homosexual lifestyle, and doing everything humanly possible to destroy God’s created sexual order and the family.

This is helpful in putting into perspective what we saw during Covid, particularly the astonishing corruption of the government agencies involved—the FDA, CDC, NIH and HHS. The incredible, outrageous, and ceaseless lies coming from the health authorities were confusing and bewildering, especially because we had never thought of these agencies as being political or politicized before. But they were, and we found that out, which is very helpful going forward.

After mentioning the “Biden Administration”’s outrageous funding of, and promotion of, the mutilation and castration of children, and Matias Desmet’s “The Psychology of Totalitarianism” and Desmet’s thesis that the response to Covid illustrates how societies fall into totalitarianism, Dreher returns to Monkeypox:

This is how we get to the point where one of the top public health experts in the country says that a nasty disease that affects gay men almost exclusively, and passes primarily through sexual contact, cannot be fought by telling gay men to stop being promiscuous. Andy Slavitt will not permit himself to have that thought. None of these people who rule us will. It runs utterly counter to the Narrative that gives their lives meaning, and tells them who to hate.

If we allow our children to be seized by these ideological monsters [and mutilated by the transgenderist lunatics], and stand by doing nothing because the Experts and the Science tell us to, then we will deserve the contempt of future generations for having surrendered our democracy to totalitarian technocrats. I mean . . . these are the loons who govern us. This is the ideological idiocy they are pressing on us all. They have lost their legitimacy. . . . Why should we follow where they lead? They live by lies, and demand that we do the same.