Mark Steyn Interviews Tucker Carlson

Below is a fun interview from about four or five years ago. Tucker was signing copies of his book “Ship of Fools,” while Mark Steyn, who was a regular guest for several years, and also a frequent substitute host for Tucker, asks him questions about his life.

The theme of “Ship of Fools,” a book that I read and can recommend, is that the ruling elites are effectively in a revolution against the middle class and working class, and that if this does not change, it will destabilize the country. (And this was before Covid! The suppression and outright destruction of the middle and lower classes has gotten far worse in the intervening years.) This theme forms the backbone of the interview.

But along the way, the pair touch on many interesting topics, including the fact that women now routinely earn more than their husbands, which women hate. This destabilizes existing marriages and deters or prevents family formation, because females at any age do not want to marry a man who makes less than them.

Other interesting tidbits: Tucker was accused of rape by a mentally ill woman, and had to retain Bob Bennett’s expensive Washington law firm. Tucker has a great dad who he thinks the world of, he has been married for 26 (now 31) years and before that dated the girl, whom he met as a sophomore in high school, so they’ve been together for 35 (now 40) years. There is no overestimating the importance of fathers to their children; the presence of active fathers leads to successful children, but their absence leads to inter-generational failure.

Tucker is a devoted fly fisherman and an outdoorsman; he thus knows that the “environmentalists” are strangely unconcerned about keeping the actual environment clean. The so-called “environmental movement” has become just another Leftist front, not a locus of God-ordained stewardship over the creation.

Tucker does not watch movies, at home or in the theater, he loves cheese and shares with Steyn a yen for unpasteurized cheese (which is hard to get in the U.S.).

While this was a light-hearted interview, it is a bit depressing to watch today, because the trends they note and discuss have all gotten vastly worse in the intervening years. About halfway through the interview, Tucker prophetically states that the ruling elites must either change their goals and give the middle and working classes a fair shake, or else take away their right to vote. Well, the elites did not formally removed the franchise, but Covid allowed them to render it worthless, by swamping real votes with harvested ballots, a method which allowed them to rig the ‘20 and ‘22 election cycles, and will soon render elections entirely pointless.

Mark Steyn interviews Tucker Carlson

You shall not oppress a hired worker who is poor and needy, whether he is one of your brothers or one of the sojourners who are in your land within your towns. You shall give him his wages on the same day, before the sun sets (for he is poor and counts on it), lest he cry against you to the Lord, and you be guilty of sin.” Deuteronomy 24:14-15