Does the fact that Christians have set dates for the Second Coming discredit belief in a literal Second Coming?
Read moreThe 70 Weeks Prophecy: Other Christians Also Understand It
Robert Caringola understands the 70 weeks prophecy just as we do.
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 65
The disciples and early Christians believed Christ was coming in their lifetimes; doesn't that prove that we cannot say anything about the nearness of the Second Coming?
Read moreMetabolic Syndrome is Hurting Us -- Conventional Medicine is Indifferent
Addictive, highly processed foods are making us fat, and conventional Western medicine is not warning us of the danger. To the contrary, fat, sick Westerners are good for business.
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 64
Does the fact that no one but the Father knows the exact date of Christ's Second Coming mean that we cannot know anything about the nearness of the Second Advent?
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 63
Should Adventists quit preaching the Second Advent and focus on making this world a better place?
Read moreJohn MacArthur on the Papacy
Although sometimes it seems like it to us, Seventh-day Adventists are not the last Protestants.
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 62
Would a loving Christ destroy the wicked at His Second Advent?
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 61
Is Christ’s Second Advent His literal, physical return to the Earth, or is it the spiritual experience of conversion?
Read moreF.D. Nichol Interviews Billy Graham
F.D. Nichol once attended a Billy Graham Crusade in 1957 New York, and reported on it for Adventist Review
Read moreAnswers to Objections About the Sabbath
Here, collected in one place are objections 20 through 55, the objections related to Sabbath-keeping.
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 60
The early Adventists believed in a “shut door,” that probation was closed for the world after 1844. Does not this impeach the Adventist movement?
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 59
Should Adventists be condemned for having found a new explanation for Daniel 8:14?
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 58
How can God be in a movement that grew out of a misinterpretation of prophecy, and a great disappointment?
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 57
Did the Millerites wear ascension robes as they were waiting for the Lord to return?
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 56
Despite Christ’s clear statement in Mat. 24:36, the Millerites set a date for the Second Coming, so no one should ever pay any attention to anything Seventh-day Adventists teach.
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 48-55
The last 8 Sabbath-related objections are presented and dealt with here.
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 47
Is the fact that the Greek word for “Sabbath” is translated as “week” in Mat. 28:1 part of a dark conspiracy to cover up the new sacredness of Sunday?
Read moreThe Cross and its Shadow, 5
The golden candlestick, with seven branches, gave light to the first compartment of the sanctuary, symbolizing the Holy Spirit of God giving light to every man.
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 45 and 46
Should we switch from keeping the Sabbath to keeping Sunday because of the importance of the Resurrection? Given the inroads of Darwinism, isn’t Sabbath-keeping more important than ever?
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