“But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” 1 Cor. 11:3
Read moreA Defense of the Doctrine of Male Headship in the Church, part 4
The divine principle of role differentiation is seen in the Godhead and in the unfallen angels, as well as in the human family.
Read moreA Defense of the Doctrine of Male Headship in the Church, Part 3
Adam’s headship extended beyond his role as husband and father. He was given responsibilities relating to the whole human family that Eve was not given.
Read moreA Defense of the Doctrine of Male Headship in the Church, Part 2
Before we can analyze whether women are excluded from the headship offices of the church, we must first distinguish between church offices and spiritual gifts.
Read moreA Defense of the Doctrine of Male Headship in the Church, Part 1
Ordination is a grant of ecclesiastical authority, in which the church authorizes someone to act for it in a certain role, office, or mission.
Read moreWilliam Wilberforce and the Suppression of the Slave Trade
“A man who acts from the principles I profess,” he said, “reflects that he is to give an account of his political conduct at the judgment seat of Christ.”
Read moreSlavery and the Bible, Part IV
The early Christian Church: (1) used church funds to free slaves, (2) developed a bishop-led church ceremony in which slaves were freed, and (3) encouraged wealthy converts to manumit their slaves en masse.
Read moreSlavery and the Bible, Part III
The Christianity of Paul, Philemon and Onesimus negates the institution of slavery. Everything significant about the way these men will treat each other is determined by their faith, not by Roman law.
Read moreSlavery and the Bible, Part II
The laws God gave Israel in His capacity as its lawgiver reflected Israel’s fallen humanity as much as they reflected God’s perfect righteousness. Because of our sinfulness, there are limits to what God, as a lawgiver, can do for us.
Read moreSlavery and the Bible, Part I
Biblioskeptics have often pointed to Scripture’s failure to condemn slavery as proof that the Bible is not inspired, but merely a culture-bound product of its times. Is this justified?
Read moreBecket Cook on Coming Out of the Gay Lifestyle
Becket is a formerly gay man who was inspired by the Holy Spirit to simply quit the gay lifestyle.
Read moreThe Antediluvian Water Cycle and the Rainbow
The antediluvian water cycle was very different from that which prevailed after the Flood; there was no rain.
Read moreIslam in Prophecy, Part II
The Muslim conquest of a third of the Christian world was an epochal catastrophe for Christendom; Christianity's birthplace and several of its major cities were lost to Muslim domination. Revelation Nine predicted these earth-shaking events.
Read moreIslam in Prophecy, Part I
The current Islamic revival, and the West’s strange reaction to it, has many Christians wondering about Islam's place in Bible prophecy.
Read moreZombie Science: Undead Darwinian Icons
“Science educators” (really Darwinian propagandists) do not want to give up on many common Darwinian memes, even though they are invalid.
Read moreThe Origin of Life Problem
James Tour, a working bio-chemist explains the endless problems and challenges awaiting anyone who wants to claim that life could have created itself. No, it couldn’t have.
Read moreStephen Meyer Interviewed About "Return of the God Hypothesis"
Stephen Meyer’s next book will be called “The Return of the God Hypothesis.”
Read moreNew Studies Confirm Ellen White on the Value of Massage
Ellen White promoted the benefits of massage, and received regular massages as part of her own health routine. Now science is confirming the myriad benefits of massage.
Read moreDavid Gelernter Abandons Darwin
David Gelernter is convinced that Darwinism is dead. He reviewed Stephen Meyer’s “Darwin’s Doubt” in the May edition of the Claremont Review of Books, in a piece entitled, “Giving up Darwin.”
Read moreMichael Behe Interviewed About "Darwin Devolves"
In “Darwin Devolves,” we learn that recent genomic studies show that intra-generic evolution and speciation is not driven by new genetic information being created by DNA copying errors, but rather by the opposite: the loss of genetic information.
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