Is Sunday “the day that the Lord hath made” as mentioned in Psalm 118:24?
Read moreBaby Dinosaurs on the Ark, Part 2
Why doesn’t Janet Kellogg Ray understand that the theory of evolution is an atheistic origins narrative specifically designed to replace what God tells us in the Bible about our origins?
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 33
A discussion of some passages in the minor prophets Hosea and Amos
Read moreThe Tragedy of American Conservative Christianity
Can entirely natural phenomena be “signs and wonders in the heavens,” and does the modern state of Israel figure in Bible prophecy?
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 32
Would Paul condemn Seventh-day Adventists for observing “days, and months, and times, and years”?
Read moreKen Ham on Creation and the Seven "C's"
Here the great empresario of the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter, Ken Ham, goes back to his roots and does some basic origins apologetics
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 31
Does the fact that the Sabbath commandment is not re-issued in the New Testament mean that the Sabbath has been abolished?
Read moreHow God Shows His Grace Through Animals
God often demonstrates His mercy and loves toward us through animals.
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 30
What are we to make of the fact that the same Greek word (sabbaton) is used in Colossians 2:16 as in all the (59) references to the weekly sabbath in the New Testament?
Read moreBaby Dinosaurs on the Ark
Janet Kellogg Ray’s book has a title that is irresistible, but her arguments are not, nor does she have a firm grasp of what creationists believe.
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 29
What about Paul’s letter to the Colossians, in which he says, “let no man judge you over a holy day or a Sabbath day”?
Read moreWhy Did the American and French Revolutions End So Differently?
Why did the American Revolution and the French Revolution, despite taking place very close in time, end up very differently?
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 27
Did Christ break the Sabbath by healing on the Sabbath? Did the priests break the Sabbath law by carrying out the work of the temple on Sabbath?
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 26
How do we distinguish between the weekly Sabbath of the Fourth Commandment and the ceremonial sabbaths connected with the annual festivals?
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 25
Is the Sabbath Law “ceremonial” because it is not something people naturally understand without revelation?
Read moreSabbath School: The Problem of Evil
Should we give up on God when things are going badly for us?
Read moreIn the Footsteps of Paul
“In the Footsteps of Paul” takes you on a journey through the life of the Apostle Paul.
Read moreAnswers to Objections, 24
Did God abolish the Ten Commandments, leaving us to try to discern moral principles from nature or from philosophical speculation?
Read moreSabbath School: You Knit Me Together in My Mother's Womb
Yes, God “knit us together in our mother’s wombs” and we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Read moreHow Was Grand Canyon Formed?
The evidence points to Grand Canyon being formed catastrophically and very rapidly, when massive inland lakes combined to breach a weak point in the Kaibab plateau.
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