The push to redefine marriage relied heavily upon the unfairness of denying the stability of marriage to committed, monogamous, same-sex couples. But this argument was based on a myth. Male homosexuals overwhelmingly reject the monogamous relationship the rest of us think of as marriage
Read morePhillip Sizemore: Are We Really Free?
How do we celebrate the 4th of July given the events of recent months? True freedom is not political but spiritual.
Read moreTimothy Standish: Don't Abort Down Syndrome Babies
In a night sessions at the GC Session, Dr. Timothy Standish gave a talk about science and belief in the Bible. Included in the middle of this talk was an appeal on behalf of babies with Trisomy 21, better known as Down Syndrome.
Read moreStephen Meyer: Science Grew Out of Christianity
In this lecture, given last month in Dallas, Stephen Meyer discusses how science is not only compatible with Christianity, but actually grew out of the culture of Christian Western Europe.
Read moreThe Long Ages Aren’t Real
Monte Fleming, a Ph.D. in geology, has written a wonderful book that upholds what Scripture teaches about our origins and early history. In this little volume, Monte clearly and simply explains how current rates of erosion do not support long-ages geology.
Read moreEric Metaxas Discusses the Current Catastrophe in America
Christian author Eric Metaxas talks to Tucker Carlson about current events, and his books “Fish Out of Water,” and “Is Atheism Dead?”
Read moreEllen White on Long-Ages Geology And Evolution
One of Ellen White’s visions confirmed that the creation week was a literal week, just like every week since then. She specifically repudiated the “day/age” theory, meaning that the days of the creation week represent seven vast, indefinite periods
Read moreThe Impossibility of Long Ages Geology
Long-ages geology is not compatible with Bible Christianity, and all attempts to accommodate it within a logical Christian system have been failures.
Read moreHow God Works with Humanity
God arranges demonstrations for us to see the results of sin vs. the results of righteousness, so that we need precious little faith to see how God’s way leads to peace and Satan’s way leads to disaster.
Read moreThe Eye Is a Problem for Darwin
“To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection,” wrote Charles Darwin, “seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree.”
Read moreThe Vieira Brothers Search for Giants
The Vieira Brothers are television’s most prominent giant hunters. We wish them happy hunting.
Read moreTed Wilson's Annual Council Sermon
On Sabbath, October the 9th, General Conference President Elder Ted Wilson delivered a stirring sermon defending the basics of the Adventist faith and directing his “fellow leaders” to do the same in their sermons.
Read moreEric Metaxas Talks About "Amazing Grace," His Wilberforce Book
Eric Metaxas discusses his book, “Amazing Grace,” about William Wilberforce, the most impactful Christian of his era.
Read moreScientific American: Denial of Evolution Is a Form of White Supremacy
“I want to unmask the lie,” writes Allison Hopper, “that evolution denial is about religion and recognize that at its core, it is a form of white supremacy that perpetuates segregation and violence against Black bodies.”
Read moreEric Metaxas: The Golden Triangle of Freedom
In order to have political freedom, the citizenry must be virtuous; in order have a virtuous citizenry, it must embrace religious faith; in order for people to embrace religious faith, religion must be free and non-established. This is the triangle of Freedom.
Read moreReview Has Special Issue on Origins
This month’s Adventist Review features a cluster of articles on origins.
Read moreThe Meaning of "Amalgamation," Part 2
Because the same genetic code or language is used in all living things, genes from one plant, animal, or microbe, can be transferred to any other plant, animal, or microbe.
Read moreScience Confirms Ellen White on the “Water Cure”
Rather than work against fever, work with the fever to stimulate the body’s natural immune response to infection.
Read moreThe Meaning of "Amalgamation," Part 1
What did Ellen White Mean by the term “Amalgamation”?
Read moreFifty-four Texts That Describe Death as "Sleep"
The Bible calls death “sleep” fifty-four times.
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