Carson’s talks are a combination of his compelling personal testimony, creationist apologetics, and expressions of love for the unique greatness of the United States, which he firmly believes is due to its Christianity.
Read moreCoronavirus Mutates in Mink
The mutated strains of the virus present the alarming prospect of the spread of a strain that the vaccines currently under development are powerless to suppress.
Read moreTheodicy and the Problem of Evil
How can a righteous, loving and omnipotent God allow evil to exist?
Read moreSurgery Does Not Improve Mental Health of Transgender Patients
A highly touted Swedish study that purported to find mental health advantages to gender reassignment surgery has been “corrected.” The publishers now say the study “demonstrated no advantage of surgery.”
Read moreNew Study: Even Light Alcohol Use Elevates Risk of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
Daily consumption of even half a drink of an alcoholic beverage can increase the risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome.
The site has 24 pages of Sabbath-related Scriptural truths and discussions. The idea was to bring a large quantity of sabbath-related apologetics together in one easy-to-navigate site, for those who are interested in the Sabbath truth.
Read moreWorth Reading: Why I am a Baptist
In its August edition, the journal First Things features an article R. Albert Mohler, Jr., entitled “Why I am a Baptist.”
Read moreThe Eugenics Episode
Eugenics was an offshoot of Darwinism that sought to improve the human race the same way you improve cows, horses, or corn: by selective breeding.
Read moreJohn Lennox: With What do you do Science?
In this wide-ranging interview with Eric Metaxas for his Socrates in the City series, Lennox discusses the problems with atheism, and the necessity for faith to do science.
Read moreGod Invented Quarantine
The concept of quarantine is a biblical concept, embedded in the law of Moses regarding cleanness and uncleanness.
Read moreDaniel 11: Prophecy Fulfilled
One important proof of the inspiration of Scripture is prophecies fulfilled. We’ve been studying the prophetic book of Daniel this past quarter, and have seen how the prophecies given to Daniel have been fulfilled.
Read moreCoronavirus Underscores Need to Observe Biblical Food Laws
In His love for us, God has given us laws that, if we follow them, will spare us from much illness and suffering.
Read moreA Defense of the Doctrine of Male Headship in the Church, Part 9
Nearly all denominations that have ordained women have experienced both the collapse of Biblical authority in their witness to the world and a major loss of membership and relevance to society
Read moreA Defense of the Doctrine of Male Headship in the Church, Part 8
There is nothing in the life of Ellen White that overturns God's order for His church, nor should we expect to find such a thing.
Read moreA Defense of the Doctrine of Male Headship in the Church, Part 7
Ellen White taught nothing contradicting the scriptural principles we have discussed so far in this series.
Read moreA Defense of the Doctrine of Male Headship in the Church, Part 6
We come now to the central issue in the ordination debate: whether candidates for the Christian Church’s headship offices of elder and bishop/overseer must be male.
Read moreA Defense of the Doctrine of Male Headship in the Church, part 5
“But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” 1 Cor. 11:3
Read moreA Defense of the Doctrine of Male Headship in the Church, part 4
The divine principle of role differentiation is seen in the Godhead and in the unfallen angels, as well as in the human family.
Read moreA Defense of the Doctrine of Male Headship in the Church, Part 3
Adam’s headship extended beyond his role as husband and father. He was given responsibilities relating to the whole human family that Eve was not given.
Read moreA Defense of the Doctrine of Male Headship in the Church, Part 2
Before we can analyze whether women are excluded from the headship offices of the church, we must first distinguish between church offices and spiritual gifts.
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