The principles revealed by the incarnation and death of God the Son—including the submission of the Son to the Father notwithstanding that both are God and both co-eternal—have always been “the foundation of God's throne” (GC 22).
Read moreA Defense of the Doctrine of Male Headship in the Church, Part 3
Sex is the only distinction between human beings that Jesus created. This fact sets gender apart from any other difference we find between people, whether in history or in contemporary times.
Read moreA Defense of the Doctrine of Male Headship in the Church, Part 2
Before we can analyze whether women are excluded from the headship offices of the church, we must first distinguish between church offices and spiritual gifts.
Read moreA Defense of the Doctrine of Male Headship in the Church, Part 1
Here, and in the installments that will follow, I will present a case study of doctrinal apologetics, a biblical defense of the doctrine of male headship in the church.
Read moreIndiana Banks and the Tablet of Trig
Extremely ancient Babylonians pioneered a form of trigonometry that is more exact than the form used by later Mesopotamians and by the Greeks and Western Civilization.
Read moreThe Mystery of the Nipah Virus
In 1999, the country of Malaysia had a medical mystery on its hands. A disease was killing people in the village of Nipah. Young men would be healthy one day, and the next day they could not walk or talk.
Read moreIs Genesis History?
A new documentary film about origins was released this past February that I highly recommend. It is streaming on Netflix, and can also be found on Youtube.
Read moreIs Christianity Anti-Science?
Modern science arose in the Christian West. What we think of as empirical science and the scientific method arose nowhere else.
Read moreWhen Were the Gospels Written? A Response to Bart Ehrman, Part 2
It all adds up. The pieces fit together logically and harmoniously.
Mark was written only 14 years after the death of Christ.
When Were the Gospels Written? A Response to Bart Ehrman, Part I
Was there really a gap of 40 years between Jesus’ death and the writing of the first gospel? When were the gospels written?
Read moreTheodicy and the Problem of Evil
The plan of redemption is the ultimate demonstration, to a watching universe, which includes unfallen angels and unfallen worlds, of the true character of God.
Read moreIce Age—The Flood’s Aftermath
One of the best proofs of the historicity of the worldwide Flood described in Scripture is the subsequent Ice Age that left clear traces around the world.
Read moreEllen White on Masturbation: New Scientific Verification
Ellen White's strong counsel against masturbation has often been cited as evidence that she was guided by the attitudes of her Victorian times rather than inspired by the Holy Spirit. But a recent scientific study hints at an important verification of her counsel.
Read moreDid Jesus Really Exist?
But perhaps the best argument for the historicity of Jesus is Christianity itself. How was Jesus able to inspire a movement if he never existed? For the first 250 years of Christianity, there was no worldly advantage in being a follower of Jesus, only the very real possibility of persecution, imprisonment, and martyrdom.
Read moreDoes the Fossil Record Support Evolution?
The fossil record, far from supporting Darwinian evolution, confirms the truthfulness and accuracy of the Word of God, and the historicity of the worldwide Genesis Flood.
Read moreThe Genetic Code and the Codemaker
If you have a fish and you want a horse, no amount of DNA copying mistakes will get you from the fish to the horse.
Read moreNew Studies Confirm EGW on the Value of Massage
The evidence is clear: massage is not just a 19th Century fad, but real, beneficial therapy. It should be part of everyone’s health routine, along with water, fresh air, exercise, rest, and a healthy vegetarian diet.
Read moreToward an Adventist Philosophy of Apologetics
The Seventh-day Adventist Church arose within a culture that largely took for granted the groundwork of the Christian faith: that God exists, that the world was created, that the Bible is God's word, that Christ was the Son of God, that the Resurrection happened, etc.
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